Thursday, 13 September 2018

Introduction to Python

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted High level programming Language for General purpose programming.
Python is created by Guido Van Rossem and first release in 1991.It is very dynamic and easy to use.

Scope :-
  • Application Development
  • Graphical Development
  • Game Development
  • Web Designing
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning 
Who Uses a Python?

YouTube :-  

The popular YouTube video sharing service is largely written in Python.

Google :-  

Google makes extensive use of Python in its web search systems.

Dropbox :-

Dropbox storage service codes both its server and desktop client software primarily in Python.

Raspberry :-

The Rasberry Pi single-board computer promotes Python as its educational language.

BitTorrent :-

BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing system began its life as a Python program.


NASA, Los Alamos, Fermilab, JPL, and other use Python for scientific programming tasks.

NSA :-

The NSA uses Python for cryptography and intelligence analysis.


Netflix and Yelp have both documented the role of Python in their software infrastructures.

Python Features 
  •  Python is simple and easy to learn and also read and write.
  • Python is an example of a FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software)  which means one can freely distribute copies of this software, read it's source code, modify it, etc.
  • Python is a (High-level Language) one does need to bother about the low-level details like memory allocation, etc. while writing Python script
  • It is supported by many platforms like Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Sloaris, OS/2, Amiga, AROS, AS/400, BeOS, OS/390, PlayStation, Windows CE, etc.
  • Python supports procedure-oriented programming as well as object-oriented programming.
  • Python code can invoke C and C++ libraries, can be called from and C++ programs, can integrate with Java and .NET components.
Top 5 Reasons to Learn Python

1. Dynamically Typed
     No type when declaring a variable
     Skip headaches of Java type casting
Java:      int x = 1;
               x = (int) x/2;              
                                         x now equals 0
                                         x can never equal 0.5
Python:     x = 1
                  x = x/2               x now equals 0.5

2. Simple Syntax 
  • Some programming languages will kill you with parentheses, brackets, braces, commas and colons.
  • With Python you spend less time debugging syntax and more time programming.
3. One-Liners 
  • Elegant 1-line solutions to what takes a whole block of code in other language.
  • One example: swap x and y
          Java:          int temp = x;
                            x = y;
                            y = temp;
          Python:     x,y = y,x         Wow! Now that's Pythonic

4. English-like Commands
            Java:       String name = "Bob";
                             System.out.println (name);
            Python:    name = "Bob"
                              print (name)

5. Intuitive Data Structures
          Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
          Powerful, yet simple and intuitive to use
          Flexible (mixed data types)


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