1. Evergreen Industry
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Cloud computing
Robot Assistants
Block Chain
Deep Learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
Big Data
2. The World is Your Oyster
High transferable skills mean you can move anywhere in the world.
Top countries you could travel to:
8. Variety of Industries
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Cloud computing
Robot Assistants
Block Chain
Deep Learning
Internet of Things (IoT)
Big Data
2. The World is Your Oyster
High transferable skills mean you can move anywhere in the world.
- United States of America
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Russia
3. Working for the Greater Good
As a rule, cyber-security professionals are not likely to be famous. On the contrary, they quietly provide committed, faithful and honourable service to their organizations, countries and society as a whole.
4. Work with Top Secret Agencies
As a rule, cyber-security professionals are not likely to be famous. On the contrary, they quietly provide committed, faithful and honourable service to their organizations, countries and society as a whole.
4. Work with Top Secret Agencies
- National Security Agency
- Mossad
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Military Intelligence Section 6
5. Non Concern for Maths
6. Unlimited Growth Potential
good cyber-security professional works to understand as much about how
about technologies and organizations work as possible. That's massive
opportunity to stay engaged and challenged challenged. The possibilities
for personal and career growth are endless.
7. Everyone Wants you
8. Variety of Industries
industry is going through some sort of digitalisation. And where ever
digitalisation occurs, cyber attacks are bound to happens, hence
cyber-security professionals find jobs everywhere.
9. Dynamic and Challenging
of the opportunities for growth stem from the variety of technologies
and situations security professionals face. If it uses ones and zeros,
it has a cyber security component, and some roles even extend to
physical security!
- Never Gets Boring
- New and Interesting Problems
- Creativity is encouraged
10. Money Makes the World Go Round
with online attacks, business and government are looking for experts
who can protect their systems from cyber criminals - and they are
willing to pay high salaries and provides training and development.
- Fastest Growing Salaries
- For Seniors, it surpasses the median
- Earning based only on merit
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