Saturday, 16 February 2019

Data Types and Operators in Python

The Data types in Python are :
  • boolean
  • byte
  • list
  • tuple
  • dict
  • Complex Number
  • float
  • long
  • string
Primitive data types are stored in stack memory.

Valid values: true, false
Default value: false
Size: 1 bit

Python Code:
isEnabled = True


Python Code:


Python Code:
listOfFruits = ["apples", "mango", "bananas"]


Python Code:
listOfVegetables = ("carrot", "brinjal", "cauliflower")


Python Code:
numberDictionary = {"ONE" : 1, "TWO" :2}

Complex Number: 

Python Code:
z = 2+3j

Python Code:
x = 2.3

Python Code:
bigValue = 1094324242344L

Python Code
x = "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"

Python Operators: 

Listed below are various operators available in Python. A brief description is provide with the operators and an example of most commonly used operators is provided to end this blog.

Multiplication/division operators:

* : It multiples the left and right operand and returns the result.
% : Modulo operator. Divides the left operand with the right operand and returns the remainder.
/  : Division Operator. Divides the left operand and returns the result.

Additional / Subtraction :

+ : Addition Operator. Adds the left operand with the right operand and returns the result.
- : Subtraction Operator. Subtracts the left operand and right operand and returns the result.

Shift Operators :

<< : Left Shift Operator. Moves the left operand to the left by the number of bits specified by the right operand.
>> : Right Shift Operator. Moves the left operand to the left by the number of bits specified by the right operand.

Relational Operators :

< : Less than Operator. Check if the left operand is less than the right operand. Return True or False.
> : Greater than Operator. Check if the left operand is greater than the right operand. Return True or False.
>= : Greater than or equal to. Check if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand . Return True or False.
is : Instance of Operator. Check if the left operand is instance of right operand. Example: Is Dog Animal. True. Is Dog Plant. False.

Equality :

== : Check if left operand is equal to the right operand. Return True or False.
!= : Check if left operand is not equal to the right operand. Return True or False.

Bitwise AND :
& : Bitwise AND Operator. If bit exists in both left and right operand, copy the bit to the result.

Bitwise exclusive OR :
^ : Bitwise XOR Operator. If bit is set in either left or right operand but not in both, copy the bit to the result.

Bitwise inclusive OR :
| : Bitwise OR Operator. If bit exists in either left to right operand is true, the result will be true else false.

Logical AND :
and : Logical AND Operator. If both left and right operand is true, the result will be true else false.

Logical OR :
or : Logical OR Operator. If Either left or right operand is true, the resultwill be true or false.

Assignment Operator :

= : Assignment operator. Assign the right operand to the left operand.
+= : Add plus assignment operator. Adds the left and right operand AND assigns the result to the left operand
-= : Subtract plus assignment operator. Subtract the left and right operand AND assigns the result to the left operand.
*= : Multiples plus assignment operator. Multiplies the left and right operand AND assigns the result to the left operand.
/= : Divides plus assignment operator. Divides the left and right operand And assigns the result to the left operand.
%= : Modulo plus assignment operator. Divides the left and right operand AND assigns the remainder to the left operand.
&= : Bitwise AND plus assignment operator.
^= : Bitwise OR plus assignment operator.
>>= : Right shift plus assignment operator.


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