Saturday 8 June 2024

Python Programming Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to Coding and Python

  • Topic: Introduction to coding and Python.
  • Details:
    • Overview of programming concepts and Python's significance.
    • Installing Python and setting up the development environment.
    • Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like PyCharm, VS Code, or Jupyter Notebooks.

Week 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Topic: Understanding variables and data types.
  • Details:
    • Variables: Naming conventions and assignment.
    • Data types: strings, integers, floats, and booleans.
    • Simple calculations and printing output.

Week 3: User Interaction

  • Topic: Using the input() function for user interaction.
  • Details:
    • Reading user input.
    • Converting input types.
    • Using input in simple programs.

Week 4: Decision Making with If-Else Statements

  • Topic: Basic if-else statements for decision-making.
  • Details:
    • Syntax and structure of if, elif, and else.
    • Nested if-else statements.
    • Practical examples and exercises.

Week 5: Introduction to Loops

  • Topic: Introduction to loops for repetitive tasks.
  • Details:
    • While loops: syntax and use cases.
    • For loops: syntax and use cases.
    • Loop control statements: break, continue, and pass.
    • Simple loop exercises.

Week 6: Functions and Code Organization

  • Topic: Introduction to functions.
  • Details:
    • Definition and syntax of functions.
    • Parameters and return values.
    • The importance of functions in organizing code.

Week 7: Built-in and User-Defined Functions

  • Topic: Exploring built-in functions and creating user-defined functions.
  • Details:
    • Common built-in functions in Python.
    • Creating and using user-defined functions.
    • Scope and lifetime of variables.

Week 8: Working with Lists

  • Topic: Understanding and using lists.
  • Details:
    • Creating and modifying lists.
    • List indexing and slicing.
    • Common list operations (append, remove, pop, etc.).
    • List comprehensions.

Week 9: String Manipulation

  • Topic: Introduction to string manipulation.
  • Details:
    • String slicing and indexing.
    • String concatenation and formatting.
    • Common string methods (split, join, replace, etc.).

Week 10: Recap and Practice

  • Topic: Recap and practice exercises.
  • Details:
    • Review of previous topics.
    • Practice exercises and mini-projects.
    • Q&A session for clarification of doubts.

Week 11: Introduction to Dictionaries

  • Topic: Working with dictionaries for key-value data storage.
  • Details:
    • Creating and accessing dictionaries.
    • Dictionary methods and operations (keys, values, items, etc.).
    • Practical examples and exercises.

Week 12: Working with Files

  • Topic: Reading and writing data to files.
  • Details:
    • File handling modes (read, write, append).
    • Reading from and writing to files.
    • Practical file handling exercises.

Week 13: Exceptions and Error Handling

  • Topic: Introduction to exceptions and error handling.
  • Details:
    • Understanding exceptions.
    • Try, except, else, and finally blocks.
    • Raising exceptions.
    • Practical error handling exercises.

Week 14: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

  • Topic: Basic introduction to object-oriented programming.
  • Details:
    • Understanding classes and objects.
    • Creating classes and objects.
    • Attributes and methods.
    • Practical examples of OOP concepts.

Week 15: Final Recap and Practice

  • Topic: Recap and practice exercises.
  • Details:
    • Comprehensive review of all topics.
    • Advanced practice exercises and projects.
    • Final Q&A and course completion.





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