Saturday 24 August 2024

Fetching and Displaying Periodic Table Data in Python

 Periodic Table Data in Python

pip install chempy

from chempy.util import periodic

n = int(input("Enter number to see the table: "))

print("Atomic No.\tName\t\tSymbol\t\tMass")

for i in range(1, n + 1):

    print(i, end="\t\t")

    if len(periodic.names[i]) > 7:

        print(periodic.names[i], end="\t")


        print(periodic.names[i], end="\t\t")

    print(periodic.symbols[i], end="\t\t")


#source code -->

Atomic No. Name Symbol Mass

1 Helium He 4.002602

2 Lithium Li 6.94

3 Beryllium Be 9.0121831

4 Boron B 10.81

5 Carbon C 12.011

6 Nitrogen N 14.007

7 Oxygen O 15.999

8 Fluorine F 18.998403163

9 Neon Ne 20.1797

10 Sodium Na 22.98976928

11 Magnesium Mg 24.305

12 Aluminium Al 26.9815384

13 Silicon Si 28.085

14 Phosphorus P 30.973761998

15 Sulfur S 32.06

16 Chlorine Cl 35.45

17 Argon Ar 39.95

18 Potassium K 39.0983

19 Calcium Ca 40.078

20 Scandium Sc 44.955908


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