Line 1:
x = "Python" * 2
The string "Python" is repeated twice because of the multiplication operator *.
"Python" * 2
The result will be:
So, x is assigned the value "PythonPython".
Line 2:
y = "Rocks"
What happens:
The variable y is assigned the string "Rocks". This is a simple string assignment.
Line 3:
print((x and y) + "!" if len(x) > 10 else "Not Long Enough")
This is the most complex line, so let's break it down step by step:
Step 1: Evaluating the if Condition:
len(x) > 10
The expression checks if the length of the string x is greater than 10.
The length of x is "PythonPython", which has 12 characters. So, len(x) > 10 is True.
Step 2: Evaluating the x and y Expression:
x and y
The and operator is a logical operator. In Python, it returns:
The first false value if one is encountered, or
the last value if both are truthy.
Both x ("PythonPython") and y ("Rocks") are truthy (non-empty strings), so the and operator returns the last value, which is "Rocks".
Step 3: Adding "!":
(x and y) + "!"
Since x and y evaluates to "Rocks", the code concatenates "!" to it:
"Rocks" + "!" # results in "Rocks!"
Step 4: The Final Expression in the if Block:
Since len(x) > 10 is True, the result of (x and y) + "!" will be returned by the if statement.
(x and y) + "!" if len(x) > 10 else "Not Long Enough"
"Rocks!" # because len(x) > 10 is True
Step 5: The print() Function:
Finally, the print() function outputs the result:
Final Output:
Key Concepts Explained:
String Multiplication:
"Python" * 2 repeats the string "Python" two times, resulting in "PythonPython".
Logical and Operator:
The and operator returns the first falsy value it encounters, or the last truthy value if both operands are truthy. In this case, both x and y are truthy, so it returns y, which is "Rocks".
Ternary Conditional Expression:
The expression if condition else allows us to choose between two values based on a condition. Since len(x) > 10 is True, the value "Rocks!" is chosen.
String Concatenation:
The + operator concatenates two strings. In this case, it combines "Rocks" and "!" to produce "Rocks!".
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