Line-by-Line Explanation
1. Function Definition
def reverse_a_number(number):
Defines a function named reverse_a_number that takes a single parameter called number.
This function will be used to reverse the digits of the input number.
2. Reverse the Number
reversed_a_number = int(str(number)[::-1])
Convert number to string:
str(number): Converts the input integer number into a string. For example, if number = 123, this would become the string "123".
Reverse the string:
[::-1]: This slicing operation reverses the string. It works by starting at the end of the string and working backwards.
Convert the reversed string back into an integer:
int(...): Converts the reversed string back into an integer type.
Assign to a variable:
The reversed number is stored in the variable reversed_a_number.
3. Return the Reversed Number
return reversed_a_number
The function returns the reversed number (converted back into an integer) to wherever the function is called.
4. Input from the User
number = int(input("Enter a number:"))
input("Enter a number:"):
Displays the prompt "Enter a number:" to the user.
Convert the input string into an integer:
int(input(...)): Converts the user's input (which is initially a string) into an integer type.
Store the integer in the variable number.
5. Call the Function
reversed_a_num = reverse_a_number(number)
The reverse_a_number() function is called with the user-provided input (number) as an argument.
The result (the reversed number) is stored in the variable reversed_a_num.
6. Print the Result
print(f"The reverse of {number} is {reversed_a_num}.")
f-string for string formatting:
f"The reverse of {number} is {reversed_a_num}." dynamically inserts the original number and its reversed counterpart into the output string.
{number}: Displays the original number entered by the user.
{reversed_a_num}: Displays the reversed number computed by the function.
The reverse of 123 is 321.
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