def replace_a_with_dollar(input_string):
result = input_string.replace('a', '$')
return result
input_string = input("Enter a string: ")
output_string = replace_a_with_dollar(input_string)
print("Modified string:", output_string)
#source code -->
Code Explanation:
Function Definition:
def replace_a_with_dollar(input_string):
result = input_string.replace('a', '$')
return result
The function replace_a_with_dollar takes one parameter: input_string, which is expected to be a string.
Inside the function:
input_string.replace('a', '$') is called, which replaces every occurrence of the character 'a' in input_string with the character '$'.
The modified string is stored in the variable result.
The function returns the modified string (result).
User Input:
input_string = input("Enter a string: ")
The input() function prompts the user to enter a string. The entered string is stored in the variable input_string.
Function Call and Output:
output_string = replace_a_with_dollar(input_string)
print("Modified string:", output_string)
The replace_a_with_dollar function is called with input_string as the argument, and its result is assigned to output_string.
The modified string (output_string) is printed to the console.
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