The .istitle() method:
This method checks whether a string follows title case formatting.
A string is considered title case if:
The first character of each word is uppercase.
All other characters in each word are lowercase.
Words are separated by non-alphanumeric characters (like spaces, punctuation, or special symbols).
Breaking down the input string:
'Hello!2@#World' is split into words at non-alphanumeric boundaries.
The "words" identified in this string are:
'Hello' (first character uppercase, rest lowercase → valid title case).
'World' (first character uppercase, rest lowercase → valid title case).
Special characters and numbers:
Special characters (!2@#) are ignored in determining title case.
As long as the alphanumeric words follow the title case rules, .istitle() will return True.
Why the result is True:
The string 'Hello!2@#World' meets the criteria for title case:
The two words (Hello and World) follow title case rules.
Non-alphanumeric characters and numbers do not break the title case structure.
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