Step-by-Step Explanation:
Line 1: Function Definition
def func(a, b=[]):
This defines a function func() that takes two arguments:
a: A required parameter.
b: An optional parameter with a default value of an empty list [].
Key Point: The default argument b=[] is evaluated only once at the time of function definition, and the same list object is reused across multiple calls to the function if not explicitly provided.
Line 2: Modify List
The method append(a) adds the value of a to the list b.
Important Note: If the list b is shared across multiple calls due to the default argument, modifications will persist between calls.
Line 3: Return the List
return b
The function returns the list b after appending the value of a to it.
Line 4: Call the function with 1
When you call func(1), the default b=[] is used (an empty list at first).
The value 1 is appended to b.
The function returns [1].
Line 5: Call the function with 2
Now, the function is called with func(2). The default list b is the same list object as the one used in the previous call.
The value 2 is appended to this same list.
The returned list now becomes [1, 2].
[1, 2]
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