1. Class TV Definition:
class TV:
A class TV is defined, but it has no attributes or methods.
2. Object Creation:
obj = TV()
An object obj is created from the TV class.
3. Dynamic Attribute Assignment:
obj.price = 200
A new attribute price is dynamically added to the obj instance, and its value is set to 200.
4. Invalid Access of self:
The variable self is used outside of a method in the class, which is invalid.
In Python, self is a convention used as the first parameter of instance methods to refer to the calling instance. It cannot be used directly outside a method context.
What Happens:
When the Python interpreter reaches the print(self.price) statement, it will raise a NameError because self is not defined in the global scope.
Corrected Code (if you want to print the price):
To fix the code, the price attribute can be printed using the instance obj instead of self:
class TV:
obj = TV()
obj.price = 200
print(obj.price) # Outputs: 200
In this corrected version, obj.price correctly accesses the price attribute of the obj instance.
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