Saturday, 18 January 2025

30-Day Python Challenge Roadmap


Day 1–5: Basics of Python

  1. Day 1: Setting Up the Environment

    • Install Python and IDEs (VS Code, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook).
    • Learn about Python syntax, comments, and running Python scripts.
  2. Day 2: Variables and Data Types

    • Explore variables, constants, and naming conventions.
    • Understand data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
  3. Day 3: Input, Output, and Typecasting

    • Learn input(), print(), and formatting strings.
    • Typecasting between data types (e.g., int(), float()).
  4. Day 4: Conditional Statements

    • Learn if, elif, and else.
    • Implement examples like even/odd number checks and age verification.
  5. Day 5: Loops

    • Explore for and while loops.
    • Learn about break, continue, and else in loops.

Day 6–10: Python Data Structures

  1. Day 6: Lists

    • Create, access, and manipulate lists.
    • Use list methods like append(), remove(), sort().
  2. Day 7: Tuples

    • Understand immutable sequences.
    • Learn slicing and tuple operations.
  3. Day 8: Sets

    • Explore sets and their operations like union, intersection, and difference.
  4. Day 9: Dictionaries

    • Create and access dictionaries.
    • Learn methods like get(), keys(), values().
  5. Day 10: Strings

    • Work with string methods like upper(), lower(), split(), and replace().
    • Learn about string slicing.

Day 11–15: Functions and Modules

  1. Day 11: Functions Basics

    • Define and call functions.
    • Understand function arguments and return values.
  2. Day 12: Lambda Functions

    • Learn about anonymous functions with lambda.
  3. Day 13: Modules

    • Import and use built-in modules (math, random, etc.).
    • Create your own modules.
  4. Day 14: Exception Handling

    • Learn try, except, finally, and raise.
  5. Day 15: Decorators

    • Understand decorators and their applications.

Day 16–20: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  1. Day 16: Classes and Objects

    • Create classes, objects, and attributes.
  2. Day 17: Methods

    • Define and use instance and class methods.
  3. Day 18: Inheritance

    • Learn single and multiple inheritance.
  4. Day 19: Polymorphism

    • Understand method overriding and operator overloading.
  5. Day 20: Encapsulation

    • Learn about private and protected members.

Day 21–25: File Handling and Libraries

  1. Day 21: File Handling

    • Open, read, write, and close files.
    • Understand file modes (r, w, a).
  2. Day 22: JSON

    • Work with JSON files (json module).
  3. Day 23: Python Libraries Overview

    • Learn basic usage of popular libraries: numpy, pandas, and matplotlib.
  4. Day 24: Regular Expressions

    • Learn about pattern matching using re.
  5. Day 25: Web Scraping

    • Use requests and BeautifulSoup to scrape websites.

Day 26–30: Projects

  1. Day 26: CLI Calculator

    • Build a calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations.
  2. Day 27: To-Do List

    • Create a task manager with file storage.
  3. Day 28: Weather App

    • Use an API (like OpenWeatherMap) to fetch and display weather data.
  4. Day 29: Web Scraper

    • Build a scraper that collects data (e.g., headlines, product details).
  5. Day 30: Portfolio Website

    • Create a simple portfolio website using Python (e.g., Flask or Django).


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