def sort_hyphenated_words(sequence):
words = sequence.split('-')
sorted_sequence = '-'.join(words)
return sorted_sequence
user_input = input("Enter a hyphen-separated sequence of words: ")
result = sort_hyphenated_words(user_input)
print(sorted sequence: {result}")
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Code Explanation:
Function Definition:
def sort_hyphenated_words(sequence):
A function sort_hyphenated_words is defined to handle the main task of sorting the hyphen-separated words. It takes a single parameter sequence, which is a string containing words separated by hyphens.
Splitting the Input Sequence:
words = sequence.split('-')
The input string is split into a list of words using the split('-') method. This separates the string at each hyphen (-) and stores the resulting parts in the list words.
Sorting the Words:
The sort() method is used to sort the list words in alphabetical order. This modifies the list in place.
Joining the Sorted Words:
sorted_sequence = '-'.join(words)
The sorted words are joined back together into a single string using '-'.join(words). The join() method concatenates the elements of the list, placing a hyphen (-) between them.
Returning the Sorted Sequence:
return sorted_sequence
The sorted sequence is returned as the output of the function.
Getting User Input:
user_input = input("Enter a hyphen-separated sequence of words: ")
The program prompts the user to enter a hyphen-separated sequence of words. The input is stored in the variable user_input.
Function Call and Displaying the Result:
result = sort_hyphenated_words(user_input)
print(f"Sorted sequence: {result}")
The sort_hyphenated_words function is called with the user's input as an argument. The result (sorted sequence) is then printed.
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