def is_palindrome(s):
s = s.replace(" ", "").lower()
return s == s[::-1]
input_string = input("Enter a string: ")
if is_palindrome(input_string):
print(f'"{input_string}" is a palindrome.')
print(f'"{input_string}" is not a palindrome.')
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Code Explanation:
def is_palindrome(s):
This line defines a function called is_palindrome that takes one argument, s.
The argument s is expected to be the string that we want to check if it is a palindrome.
s = s.replace(" ", "").lower()
This line modifies the input string s to prepare it for the palindrome check:
s.replace(" ", ""):
Removes all spaces from the string.
Converts all characters in the string to lowercase.
These transformations ensure the check ignores spaces and capitalization, making it case-insensitive.
return s == s[::-1]
This line checks if the modified string is the same as its reverse:
This is Python slicing syntax that creates a reversed version of the string.
s == s[::-1]:
Compares the string s with its reversed version.
If they are the same, it means the string is a palindrome, and the function returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.
input_string = input("Enter a string: ")
This line asks the user to enter a string and stores the input in the variable input_string.
The input() function allows the user to type a string when the program runs.
if is_palindrome(input_string):
This calls the is_palindrome function, passing the user's input (input_string) as the argument.
If the function returns True (indicating the string is a palindrome), the if block will execute.
If it returns False, the else block will execute.
print(f'"{input_string}" is a palindrome.')
If the function determines that the string is a palindrome, this line prints a message confirming that.
The f before the string allows you to include variables inside curly braces {} in the printed message.
print(f'"{input_string}" is not a palindrome.')
If the function determines that the string is not a palindrome, this line prints a message saying so.
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