1. Importing pyfiglet
- The pyfiglet library is used to generate ASCII art from text. It transforms regular text into visually appealing text art using different fonts.
2. Defining Colors
The ORANGE, WHITE, and GREEN variables define RGB color codes for text formatting in the terminal:
- ORANGE: '\033[38;2;255;103;31m' (custom RGB for orange).
- WHITE: '\033[38;2;255;255;255m' (pure white).
- GREEN: '\033[38;2;0;128;0m' (medium green).
- RESET: '\033[0m' (resets terminal formatting back to default).
These escape codes (\033[...m) are ANSI codes, commonly used for text styling in terminals that support colors.
3. Generating ASCII Art with pyfiglet
- The line font = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Happy Republic Day India ') uses pyfiglet to create a stylized ASCII art representation of the text "Happy Republic Day India".
- The output is stored in the font variable.
4. Printing Colored ASCII Art
The code prints the ASCII art in three colors sequentially:
- Orange: print(ORANGE + font + RESET)
- Combines the orange color, the ASCII art (font), and resets the formatting.
- White: print(WHITE + font + RESET)
- Combines the white color, the ASCII art, and resets formatting.
- Green: print(GREEN + font + RESET)
- Combines the green color, the ASCII art, and resets formatting.
- Orange: print(ORANGE + font + RESET)
The sequence of orange, white, and green corresponds to the colors of the Indian national flag.
Output Explanation
When executed, the program will display the text "Happy Republic Day India" in large ASCII art, rendered three times:
- In orange.
- In white.
- In green.
This is a creative and patriotic representation of the Indian national flag using colors and text art.
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