Python Programming Bootcamp: Master the Essentials and Beyond
4 weeks (February 2025)
- Online: Live sessions via Zoom/Google Meet.
Weekly Plan
Week 1: Python Basics
- Day 1: Introduction to Python
- What is Python? Why learn it?
- Installing Python and setting up the environment (Jupyter Notebook, VS Code).
- Writing your first Python program.
- Day 2: Data Types and Variables
- Integers, floats, strings, booleans.
- Basic input/output operations.
- Day 3: Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators.
- Practice session: Writing simple math programs.
- Day 4: Control Flow
- if, elif, else statements.
- Practice: Write a number guessing game.
- Day 5: Loops
- for and while loops with break and continue.
- Practice: Create a multiplication table generator.
- Day 6-7: Project
- Beginner-level project: "Simple Calculator" or "BMI Calculator."
Week 2: Intermediate Python
- Day 1: Lists and Tuples
- List operations, slicing, and basic list methods.
- Practice: Write a program to manage a to-do list.
- Day 2: Dictionaries and Sets
- Key-value pairs, common methods, and set operations.
- Practice: Build a phone directory app.
- Day 3: Functions
- Writing functions, parameters, return values.
- Introduction to lambda functions.
- Day 4: File Handling
- Reading and writing files.
- Practice: Create a program to save and retrieve notes from a file.
- Day 5: Error Handling
- try, except, else, finally.
- Practice: Build a robust program with error handling.
- Day 6-7: Project
- Intermediate-level project: "Library Management System."
Week 3: Advanced Python
- Day 1: OOP in Python
- Classes, objects, methods, and attributes.
- Practice: Create a class for a "Bank Account."
- Day 2: Modules and Packages
- Importing libraries, exploring popular Python packages (e.g., os, math, random).
- Day 3: Decorators and Generators
- Writing and using decorators.
- Introduction to generators with examples.
- Day 4: Working with APIs
- Introduction to APIs and requests module.
- Practice: Fetch data from a public API.
- Day 5: Data Visualization
- Basics of Matplotlib and Seaborn.
- Practice: Create simple plots and graphs.
- Day 6-7: Project
- Advanced-level project: "Weather Dashboard using an API."
Week 4: Capstone Week
- Day 1-2: Group Formation and Brainstorming
- Divide participants into groups.
- Each group selects a capstone project idea.
- Day 3-6: Capstone Project Development
- Teams work on their projects with live Q&A sessions.
- Example ideas:
- "Expense Tracker App"
- "Personal Portfolio Website using Flask"
- "Automated Email Sender."
- Day 7: Project Presentations and Graduation
- Each group presents their project.
- Award certificates to participants.
Fee : 99 USD
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