Code Explanation:
Lambda Function:
lambda s: s == s[::-1] defines a lambda function that takes a single argument s (a string).
The function checks if the string s is equal to its reverse s[::-1].
s[::-1] uses Python slicing to reverse the string:
s[::-1] means: start at the end of the string, move backwards to the beginning, and include every character.
The expression s == s[::-1] evaluates to True if s is a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards), and False otherwise.
Assigning the Function:
is_palindrome = lambda s: s == s[::-1] assigns the lambda function to the variable is_palindrome.
Now, is_palindrome can be used as a function to check if a string is a palindrome.
Calling the Function:
result = is_palindrome("radar") calls the is_palindrome function with the string "radar".
Inside the function:
"radar" is compared with its reverse, which is also "radar".
Since they are the same, the function returns True.
Printing the Result:
print(result) outputs the value of result to the console, which is True.
The program prints:
This means that the string "radar" is a palindrome.
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