1. from sqlalchemy import create_engine:
This imports the create_engine function from the SQLAlchemy library.
SQLAlchemy is a popular Python library used for interacting with databases using an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) or raw SQL.
2. create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:'):
create_engine Function:
This function creates a new database engine that connects to a database specified in the provided connection string.
In this case, the connection string is 'sqlite:///:memory:'.
Connection String Explanation:
'sqlite:///': Specifies that the database engine to use is SQLite.
:memory:: Indicates that the SQLite database should be created in memory, meaning it is temporary and will only exist during the runtime of the script. It is not stored on disk.
What this does:
Creates an in-memory SQLite database.
This database is lightweight, fast, and ideal for temporary data storage (e.g., for testing).
3. engine = create_engine(...):
What is the engine?
The engine is the main interface between your Python code and the database.
It allows you to execute raw SQL commands or work with higher-level ORM objects.
In this case, the engine is now connected to the temporary SQLite database created in memory.
What Happens When You Run This Code?
A SQLite database is created in memory (RAM).
This database is accessible as long as the program is running.
Once the program ends, the database is deleted because it is stored in memory, not on disk.
Final Output:
Creates an in-memory SQLite database.
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