import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
This imports the pyplot module from the matplotlib library and aliases it as plt.
Matplotlib is a Python library used for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.
pyplot: A module in matplotlib that provides a simple interface for creating plots (like bar charts, line plots, scatter plots, etc.).
x = [1, 2, 3]
This is a list representing the x-coordinates or the positions of the bars on the x-axis.
y = [4, 5, 6]
This is a list representing the heights of the bars. Each value in y corresponds to the height of the bar positioned at the respective x coordinate.
plt.bar(x, y)
This creates a bar chart using the data provided in x and y.
x: Specifies the positions of the bars (categories or values on the x-axis).
y: Specifies the height of each bar.
In this example:
A bar of height 4 is drawn at position 1 on the x-axis.
A bar of height 5 is drawn at position 2 on the x-axis.
A bar of height 6 is drawn at position 3 on the x-axis.
This displays the plot in a separate window or inline (if using Jupyter Notebook).
Without plt.show(), the chart is not rendered or displayed to the user.
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