Saturday, 25 January 2025

Python Coding challenge - Day 348| What is the output of the following Python Code?


Code Explanation::

import re  

text = "ab12cd34ef56"  

matches = re.findall(r"(\d{2})([a-z]{2})", text)  


import re:

This imports the re module, which stands for regular expressions in Python. The re module provides functions for working with regular expressions, allowing you to search for patterns in strings, replace parts of strings, etc.

text = "ab12cd34ef56":

This defines a string variable text with the value "ab12cd34ef56". This string contains a combination of letters and numbers.

matches = re.findall(r"(\d{2})([a-z]{2})", text):

This line uses the re.findall() function to find all occurrences of a specific pattern in the string text. Let's break down the pattern:


This is a regular expression (regex) pattern used to match specific parts of the string. The pattern is split into two groups:


\d: Matches any digit (0-9).

{2}: Specifies that exactly two digits are expected in this part of the string.

The parentheses () around \d{2} form a capturing group, meaning it will capture the two digits found and store them separately.


[a-z]: Matches any lowercase letter between 'a' and 'z'.

{2}: Specifies that exactly two letters are expected in this part of the string.

The parentheses () around [a-z]{2} form another capturing group, capturing the two letters found.


This function searches the input string (text) for all matches of the regular expression pattern. It returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the values captured by the groups in the regular expression.

The regular expression (\d{2})([a-z]{2}) will match pairs of digits followed by two lowercase letters. Specifically, it will look for:

Two digits (\d{2})

Followed by two lowercase letters ([a-z]{2})

So, for the string "ab12cd34ef56", the regular expression will match:

12 and cd

34 and ef

56 and nothing (since there's no lowercase letter pair after 56)

The findall() function will return:

[('12', 'cd'), ('34', 'ef')]

This means it found two matches:

The first match: "12" (digits) and "cd" (letters)

The second match: "34" (digits) and "ef" (letters)


This line prints the result of the findall() function, which is a list of tuples containing the matched pairs:

[('12', 'cd'), ('34', 'ef')]

Final Output:

[('12', 'cd'), ('34', 'ef')]


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