Module 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Setting up Python (IDLE/Visual Studio Code/Jupyter Notebook)
Writing and running your first program: print("Hello, World!")
Understanding Python syntax and indentation
Module 2: Python Basics
Variables: Storing information
Data Types: int, float, str, bool
Input and Output: Using input() and print()
Basic Arithmetic Operations: +, -, *, /
Module 3: Control Flow
If-Else Statements:
for and while loops
Breaking out of loops (break and continue)
Module 4: Working with Strings
String basics: Accessing characters, slicing, and concatenation
String methods: .lower(), .upper(), .strip(), .split()
Checking if a string contains another string
Module 5: Lists and Tuples
Creating and using lists
List operations: Add, remove, and sort items
Iterating through a list with a loop
Tuples: An introduction to immutable lists
Module 6: Dictionaries
What is a dictionary? Key-value pairs
Adding, updating, and removing items
Accessing values using keys
Iterating through dictionaries
Module 7: Functions
What are functions and why are they useful?
Creating and using functions
Parameters and return values
Module 8: Fun with Turtle Graphics
Introduction to the turtle module
Drawing basic shapes: Square, triangle, circle
Changing colors and pen size
Using loops to create patterns
Module 9: File Handling
Reading and writing text files
Creating a simple log or diary program
Appending data to files
Module 10: Introduction to Libraries
random: Generating random numbers
math: Performing mathematical operations
time: Adding delays for fun effects
Module 11: Error Handling
Introduction to exceptions
Using try and except blocks
Handling common errors in Python
Module 12: Final Projects
Math Quiz Game: A program that asks the user math questions and checks their answers.
Guess the Number Game: The computer randomly selects a number, and the player guesses it.
Turtle Art Generator: Create a pattern or design using loops and the turtle module.
Simple Adventure Game: A text-based game where the player chooses their path and faces challenges.
To-Do List Manager: A program to add, view, and remove tasks from a list.
Word Analyzer: Count the number of words, vowels, and consonants in a sentence.
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