Code Explanation:
1. Understanding Descriptors
A descriptor is a class that defines special methods (__get__, __set__, __delete__) to control attribute access in another class.
Here, Descriptor implements __get__, meaning it controls what happens when its attribute is accessed.
2. Defining the Descriptor Class
class Descriptor:
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
return 42
The __get__ method is triggered whenever an instance of a class accesses an attribute that is a descriptor.
It takes three parameters:
self → The descriptor instance itself.
obj → The instance of the class where the descriptor is being accessed (e.g., t of Test).
objtype → The class type of the instance (i.e., Test).
The method always returns 42, regardless of the object or class.
3. Defining and Using the Test Class
class Test:
value = Descriptor()
value is an instance of Descriptor, meaning it is a data descriptor for the Test class.
Since value is a class attribute, any access to Test().value triggers Descriptor.__get__.
4. Accessing the Descriptor
t = Test()
When t.value is accessed, Python does not return a normal instance attribute. Instead:
It detects that value is a descriptor.
Calls Descriptor.__get__(self=Descriptor instance, obj=t, objtype=Test).
The __get__ method returns 42.
Final Output:
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