Code Explanation:
Importing NetworkX
import networkx as nx
Imports the networkx library, which is used for graph creation and analysis in Python.
Creating a Directed Graph
G = nx.DiGraph([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 4)])
Creates a directed graph (DiGraph).
Adds four directed edges:
1 → 2
2 → 3
3 → 1
3 → 4
Graph Representation:
1 → 2
↑ ↓
3 ← 4
Finding Predecessors of Node 3
pred = list(G.predecessors(3))
Finds all nodes that have an edge pointing to 3 (predecessors).
In the graph:
2 → 3 (So 2 is a predecessor)
1 → 3 (So 1 is a predecessor)
[2, 1]
Finding Successors of Node 3
succ = list(G.successors(3))
Finds all nodes where 3 points to (successors).
In the graph:
3 → 1
3 → 4
Printing Predecessors and Successors
print(pred, succ)
Prints the predecessors and successors of node 3.
Final Output:
[2] [1,4]
[][2] [1, 4][2] [1, 4]
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