Tuesday 11 June 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 226 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



x = "123"

y = int(x)

z = str(y)

print(x is z)

Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the code step by step to understand what's happening and why print(x is z) will produce a specific result.

Assignment: x = "123"

Here, x is assigned the string value "123".

Conversion to Integer: y = int(x)

This line converts the string x to an integer. So, y becomes the integer 123.

Conversion back to String: z = str(y)

This line converts the integer y back to a string. So, z becomes the string "123".

Identity Check: print(x is z)

The is operator checks if x and z refer to the same object in memory.

Even though x and z both contain the string "123", they are two distinct objects. In Python, is checks for object identity, not equality. This means it checks whether both variables point to the exact same object in memory.

Here's a more detailed look:

After x = "123", x points to a string object "123" in memory.

After y = int(x), y points to an integer object 123 in memory.

After z = str(y), z points to a new string object "123" in memory. This new string object has the same value as x but is a different object.

Therefore, when you execute print(x is z), it will print False because x and z are not the same object in memory.

Therefore, when you execute print(x is z), it will print False because x and z are not the same object in memory.

To summarize:

x == z would be True because the contents of the strings are the same.

x is z is False because x and z are different objects in memory.

Python Coding challenge - Day 225 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the given code step by step:

a = 0

a = not not a


Initialization: a = 0

Here, a is assigned the value 0, which in Python is considered False when used in a boolean context.

Double Negation: a = not not a

First Negation: not a

not is a logical operator that inverts the boolean value of its operand.
Since a is 0 (which is False in a boolean context), not a evaluates to True.
Second Negation: not (not a)

Now, we apply the not operator again to the result of the first negation.
not True evaluates to False.
So, a = not not a effectively assigns False to a.

Print the Result: print(a)

The value of a is now False, so the print(a) statement will output: False 
In this code:

a starts with the value 0.
Applying not not to a converts it to a boolean and then applies double negation.
Since 0 is False, not not a evaluates to False.
Therefore, print(a) outputs False.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Stacks and Queues in Python: A Beginner's Guide


In the world of data structures, stacks and queues are fundamental concepts that every programmer should understand. These data structures are essential for managing data in a specific order, and they find applications in various algorithms and real-world scenarios. In this blog, we will explore what stacks and queues are, how to implement them in Python, and provide some examples to demonstrate their usage.

What is a Stack?

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Think of a stack of plates: you can only take the top plate off the stack, and when you add a plate, you place it on the top.

Common operations on a stack include:

  • Push: Add an item to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Remove the item from the top of the stack.
  • Peek: Get the item from the top of the stack without removing it.
  • IsEmpty: Check if the stack is empty.
  • Size: Get the number of items in the stack.

Here’s a simple implementation of a stack in Python:

class Stack:

    def __init__(self):

        self.items = []

    def is_empty(self):

        return len(self.items) == 0

    def push(self, item):


    def pop(self):

        if self.is_empty():

            raise IndexError("pop from empty stack")

        return self.items.pop()

    def peek(self):

        if self.is_empty():

            raise IndexError("peek from empty stack")

        return self.items[-1]

    def size(self):

        return len(self.items)

    def __str__(self):

        return str(self.items)

Example Usage:

stack = Stack()
print("Stack after pushing 1, 2, 3:", stack)

print("Popped item:", stack.pop())
print("Stack after popping:", stack)

print("Top item:", stack.peek())
print("Stack size:", stack.size())

What is a Queue?

A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. This means that the first element added to the queue is the first one to be removed. Think of a queue of people waiting in line: the person who gets in line first is the first one to be served.

Common operations on a queue include:

  • Enqueue: Add an item to the end of the queue.
  • Dequeue: Remove the item from the front of the queue.
  • IsEmpty: Check if the queue is empty.
  • Size: Get the number of items in the queue.

Here’s a simple implementation of a queue in Python:

class Queue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.items = []

    def is_empty(self):

        return len(self.items) == 0

    def enqueue(self, item):


    def dequeue(self):

        if self.is_empty():

            raise IndexError("dequeue from empty queue")

        return self.items.pop(0)

    def size(self):

        return len(self.items)

    def __str__(self):

        return str(self.items)

Example Usage:

queue = Queue()
print("Queue after enqueueing 1, 2, 3:", queue)

print("Dequeued item:", queue.dequeue())
print("Queue after dequeuing:", queue)

print("Queue size:", queue.size())

Stack Operations Example

Let’s delve into a few operations to understand how a stack works: 

# Push elements




print("Stack:", stack)  # Output: [10, 20, 30]

# Pop element

print("Popped element:", stack.pop())  # Output: 30

print("Stack after pop:", stack)  # Output: [10, 20]

# Peek element

print("Top element:", stack.peek())  # Output: 20

# Stack size

print("Stack size:", stack.size())  # Output: 2

Queue Operations Example

Similarly, let’s look at a few operations to see how a queue works:

# Enqueue elements




print("Queue:", queue)  # Output: [10, 20, 30]

# Dequeue element

print("Dequeued element:", queue.dequeue())  # Output: 10

print("Queue after dequeue:", queue)  # Output: [20, 30]

# Queue size

print("Queue size:", queue.size())  # Output: 2


Stacks and queues are essential data structures that provide a way to store and manage data efficiently. By understanding and implementing these structures, you can solve various computational problems more effectively. In this blog, we explored the basic concepts of stacks and queues, implemented them in Python, and demonstrated their usage with simple examples. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering these data structures is crucial for your programming toolkit.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Python Programming Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to Coding and Python

  • Topic: Introduction to coding and Python.
  • Details:
    • Overview of programming concepts and Python's significance.
    • Installing Python and setting up the development environment.
    • Introduction to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like PyCharm, VS Code, or Jupyter Notebooks.

Week 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Topic: Understanding variables and data types.
  • Details:
    • Variables: Naming conventions and assignment.
    • Data types: strings, integers, floats, and booleans.
    • Simple calculations and printing output.

Week 3: User Interaction

  • Topic: Using the input() function for user interaction.
  • Details:
    • Reading user input.
    • Converting input types.
    • Using input in simple programs.

Week 4: Decision Making with If-Else Statements

  • Topic: Basic if-else statements for decision-making.
  • Details:
    • Syntax and structure of if, elif, and else.
    • Nested if-else statements.
    • Practical examples and exercises.

Week 5: Introduction to Loops

  • Topic: Introduction to loops for repetitive tasks.
  • Details:
    • While loops: syntax and use cases.
    • For loops: syntax and use cases.
    • Loop control statements: break, continue, and pass.
    • Simple loop exercises.

Week 6: Functions and Code Organization

  • Topic: Introduction to functions.
  • Details:
    • Definition and syntax of functions.
    • Parameters and return values.
    • The importance of functions in organizing code.

Week 7: Built-in and User-Defined Functions

  • Topic: Exploring built-in functions and creating user-defined functions.
  • Details:
    • Common built-in functions in Python.
    • Creating and using user-defined functions.
    • Scope and lifetime of variables.

Week 8: Working with Lists

  • Topic: Understanding and using lists.
  • Details:
    • Creating and modifying lists.
    • List indexing and slicing.
    • Common list operations (append, remove, pop, etc.).
    • List comprehensions.

Week 9: String Manipulation

  • Topic: Introduction to string manipulation.
  • Details:
    • String slicing and indexing.
    • String concatenation and formatting.
    • Common string methods (split, join, replace, etc.).

Week 10: Recap and Practice

  • Topic: Recap and practice exercises.
  • Details:
    • Review of previous topics.
    • Practice exercises and mini-projects.
    • Q&A session for clarification of doubts.

Week 11: Introduction to Dictionaries

  • Topic: Working with dictionaries for key-value data storage.
  • Details:
    • Creating and accessing dictionaries.
    • Dictionary methods and operations (keys, values, items, etc.).
    • Practical examples and exercises.

Week 12: Working with Files

  • Topic: Reading and writing data to files.
  • Details:
    • File handling modes (read, write, append).
    • Reading from and writing to files.
    • Practical file handling exercises.

Week 13: Exceptions and Error Handling

  • Topic: Introduction to exceptions and error handling.
  • Details:
    • Understanding exceptions.
    • Try, except, else, and finally blocks.
    • Raising exceptions.
    • Practical error handling exercises.

Week 14: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

  • Topic: Basic introduction to object-oriented programming.
  • Details:
    • Understanding classes and objects.
    • Creating classes and objects.
    • Attributes and methods.
    • Practical examples of OOP concepts.

Week 15: Final Recap and Practice

  • Topic: Recap and practice exercises.
  • Details:
    • Comprehensive review of all topics.
    • Advanced practice exercises and projects.
    • Final Q&A and course completion.




File Chooser using Python


from plyer import filechooser

# Open a file chooser dialog

file_path = filechooser.open_file()

print("Selected file:", file_path)

# Open multiple files chooser dialog

files_path = filechooser.open_file(multiple=True)

print("Selected files:", files_path)

# Save file chooser dialog

save_path = filechooser.save_file()

print("Save file path:", save_path)


Python Coding challenge - Day 224 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the code step by step:

cl = 4
while cl < 6:
    cl = cl + 1     print(cl, end='-')


  1. Initialization:

    cl = 4

    Here, the variable cl is initialized to 4.

  2. While Loop Condition:

    while cl < 6:   
  3.  The while loop will continue to execute as long as the condition cl < 6 is True. Initially, cl is 4, so the condition is True.
  4. Inside the Loop:

    cl = cl + 1

    Inside the loop, cl is incremented by 1. The first time this statement is executed, cl becomes 5.
  5. Print Statement:

    print(cl, end='-')

    This prints the current value of cl followed by a hyphen -. The end='-' part ensures that the next output is printed immediately after the hyphen without moving to a new line.

Step-by-Step Execution

  • Initial State:

    cl is 4.
    The while condition cl < 6 is checked and is True.
  • First Iteration:

    cl = cl + 1 is executed, so cl becomes 5.
    print(cl, end='-') prints 5-.
  • Second Iteration:

      The while condition cl < 6 is checked again. Now cl is 5, so the condition is still True.cl = cl + 1 is executed again, so cl becomes 6.
      print(cl, end='-') prints 6-.
  • End of Loop:

    The while condition cl < 6 is checked once more. Now cl is 6, so the condition is False.
    The loop terminates.


The output of this code will be:


Each iteration of the loop increases the value of cl by 1 and prints it, followed by a hyphen. The loop stops running when cl reaches 6.

Friday 7 June 2024

Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews free pdf


Python Programming Basics

For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

What You Will Learn

Chapter 1 : Basics

1 Python Introduction

2 Python Variables

Chapter 2 : Data Types

1 Python boolean

2 Python String

3 Python Number

4 Python List

5 Python Tuple

6 Python Dictionary

Chapter 3 : Operators

1 Python Arithmetic Operators

2 Python Bitwise Operators

3 Python Comparison Operators

4 Python Logical Operators

5 Python Ternary Operators

Chapter 4 : Statements

1 Python if

2 Python while

3 Python for loop

4 Python pass

5 Python break

6 Python continue

Chapter 5 : Functions

1 Python function

2 Python Function Recursion

Chapter 6 : Object Oriented

1 Python Modules

2 Python class

3 Python class Inheritance

4 Python Abstract Base Classes

5 Python Operator Overloading

Chapter 7 : Advanced

1 Python File

2 Python Text File

3 Python Exceptions

4 Python Testing

Free PDF: Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

Hard Copy: Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

Monday 3 June 2024

Country Details using Python


from countryinfo import CountryInfo

country = CountryInfo(input("Enter Country Name:"))

# Various information about the country

print("Country Name:", country.name())

print("Capital:", country.capital())

print("Population:", country.population())

print("Area (in square kilometers):", country.area())

print("Region:", country.region())

print("Subregion:", country.subregion())

print("Demonym:", country.demonym())

print("Currency:", country.currencies())

print("Languages:", country.languages())

print("Borders: ", country.borders())


Sunday 2 June 2024

Print Calendar using Python


Let's break down the code and understand what it does step by step.

Code Explanation

Importing the Calendar Module:

from calendar import *

  • This line imports all the functions and classes from the calendar module in Python. The calendar module provides various functions related to calendar operations.

Getting User Input:

year = int(input('Enter Year:'))
  • This line prompts the user to enter a year. The input function takes the user's input as a string, and the int function converts this string to an integer, which is then stored in the variable year.

Printing the Calendar:

print(calendar(year, 2, 1, 8, 4))
  • This line is intended to print the calendar for the given year with specific formatting. 
formatyear(year, w=2, l=1, c=6, m=3):
  • year: The year for which the calendar is to be printed.
  • w: The width of each date column (default is 2).
  • l: The number of lines for each week (default is 1).
  • c: The number of spaces between month columns (default is 6).
  • m: The number of months per row (default is 3).

Python Coding challenge - Day 223 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the code and explain what it does:

my_num1 = -2 my_num2 = -3 print(my_num1 % my_num2)

Variable Assignment:

  • my_num1 = -2: This assigns the value -2 to the variable my_num1.
  • my_num2 = -3: This assigns the value -3 to the variable my_num2.

Modulus Operation:

  • The modulus operator % returns the remainder of the division of one number by another.
  • my_num1 % my_num2 computes the remainder when -2 is divided by -3.
  1. Calculation:

    • To understand the result of -2 % -3, we need to know how the modulus operation works with negative numbers.

    • The formula for the modulus operation is:


      where int(a / b) represents the integer division (floor division) of a by b.

    • Applying this to our numbers:

    • First, calculate the integer division:


      (since -2 / -3 is approximately 0.666, and taking the floor gives us 0).

    • Now, plug this back into the formula:

  2. Result:

    • Therefore, my_num1 % my_num2 results in -2.


  • print(my_num1 % my_num2) will print -2.

So, the final output of the code will be: -2

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