Thursday, 21 March 2019

Wireshark Network Security Paperback – Import, 29 Jul 2015 by Piyush Verma (Author)


If you are network administrator or a security analyst with an interest in using Wireshark for security analysis, then this is the book for you. Basic familiarity with common network and application services terms and technologies is assumed.

What You Will Learn
Familiarize yourself with the robust features offered by Wireshark
Use the powerful command-line utilities shipped with Wireshark
Analyze numerous threats to network security using Wireshark
Investigate attacks performed using popular security tools such as Nmap, Nessus, Metasploit, and more
Solve real-world CTF challenges using Wireshark
Create your own security-related profile in Wireshark
Configure Wireshark for effective network troubleshooting
Get accustomed to common scenarios faced by security analysts
Analyze malware traffic successfully by using Wireshark
Unearth anomalies hampering the speed of network communications

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Wireshark Network Security Paperback – Import, 29 Jul 2015 by Piyush Verma (Author) 

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Modern Java Recipes: Simple Solutions to Difficult Problems in Java 8 and 9 Paperback – 2017 by Ken Kousen (Author)

The introduction of functional programming concepts in Java SE 8 was a drastic change for this venerable object-oriented language. Lambda expressions, method references and streams fundamentally changed the idioms of the language and many developers have been trying to catch up ever since. This cookbook will help. with more than 70 detailed recipes, author Ken Kousen shows you how to use the newest features of Java to solve a wide range of problems.
For developers comfortable with previous Java versions, this guide covers nearly all of Java SE 8 and includes a chapter focused on changes coming in Java 9. Need to understand how functional idioms will change the way you write code? This cookbookóchock full of use casesóis for you.
Recipes cover:

The basics of lambda expressions and method references
Interfaces in the java.util.function package
Stream operations for transforming and filtering data
Comparators and Collectors for sorting and converting streaming data
Combining lambdas, method references and streams
Creating instances and extract values from Javaís Optional type
New I/O capabilities that support functional streams
The Date-Time API that replaces the legacy Date and Calendar classes
Mechanisms for experimenting with concurrency and parallelism 

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Modern Java Recipes: Simple Solutions to Difficult Problems in Java 8 and 9 Paperback – 2017 by Ken Kousen (Author) 

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Modern Java Recipes: Simple Solutions to Difficult Problems in Java 8 and 9 Paperback – 2017 by Ken Kousen (Author)

Clean C++: Sustainable Software Development Patterns and Best Practices with C++ 17 1st ed. Edition, Kindle Edition by Stephan Roth (Author)

Write maintainable, extensible, and durable software with modern C++. This book is a must for every developer, software architect, or team leader who is interested in good C++ code, and thus also wants to save development costs. If you want to teach yourself about writing clean C++, Clean C++ is exactly what you need. It is written to help C++ developers of all skill levels and shows by example how to write understandable, flexible, maintainable, and efficient C++ code. Even if you are a seasoned C++ developer, there are nuggets and data points in this book that you will find useful in your work.

If you don't take care with your code, you can produce a large, messy, and unmaintainable beast in any programming language. However, C++ projects in particular are prone to be messy and tend to slip into bad habits. Lots of C++ code that is written today looks as if it was written in the 1980s.

-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif;">It seems that C++ developers have been forg otten by those who preach Software Craftsmanship and Clean Code principles. The Web is full of bad, but apparently very fast and highly optimized C++ code examples, with cruel syntax that completely ignores elementary principles of good design and well-written code. This book will explain how to avoid this scenario and how to get the most out of your C++ code. You'll find your coding becomes more efficient and, importantly, more fun.

What You'll Learn
  • Gain sound principles and rules for clean coding in C++
  • Carry out test driven development (TDD)
  • Discover C++ design patterns and idioms
  • Apply these design patterns

Who This Book Is For

Any C++ developer and software engineer with an interest in producing better code. 

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Design Patterns in Modern C++: Reusable Approaches for Object-Oriented Software Design Paperback – Import, 22 Jun 2018 by Dmitri Nesteruk (Author)

Apply modern C++17 to the implementations of classic design patterns. As well as covering traditional design patterns, this book fleshes out new patterns and approaches that will be useful to C++ developers. The author presents concepts as a fun investigation of how problems can be solved in different ways, along the way using varying degrees of technical sophistication and explaining different sorts of trade-offs.

Design Patterns in Modern C++ also provides a technology demo for modern C++, showcasing how some of its latest features (e.g., coroutines) make difficult problems a lot easier to solve. The examples in this book are all suitable for putting into production, with only a few simplifications made in order to aid readability.

What You Will Learn
  • Apply design patterns to modern C++ programming
  • Use creational patterns of builder, factories, prototype and singleton
  • Implement structural patterns such as adapter, bridge, decorator, facade and more
  • Work with the behavioral patterns such as chain of responsibility, command, iterator, mediator and more
  • Apply functional design patterns such as Monad and more

Who This Book Is For

Those with at least some prior programming experience, especially in C++.
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Introduction to Programming Languages Hardcover – Import, 29 Jun 2017 by Arvind Kumar Bansal (Author)

In programming courses, using the different syntax of multiple languages, such as C plus plus, Java, PHP, and Python, for the same abstraction often confuses students new to computer science. Introduction to Programming Languages separates programming language concepts from the restraints of multiple language syntax by discussing the concepts at an abstract level. Designed for a one-semester undergraduate course, this classroom-tested book teaches the principles of programming language design and implementation. 
It presents: Common features of programming languages at an abstract level rather than a comparative level The implementation model and behavior of programming paradigms at abstract levels so that students understand the power and limitations of programming paradigms Language constructs at a paradigm level A holistic view of programming language design and behavior To make the book self-contained, the author introduces the necessary concepts of data structures and discrete structures from the perspective of programming language theory. 
The text covers classical topics, such as syntax and semantics, imperative programming, program structures, information exchange between subprograms, object-oriented programming, logic programming, and functional programming. It also explores newer topics, including dependency analysis, communicating sequential processes, concurrent programming constructs, web and multimedia programming, event-based programming, agent-based programming, synchronous languages, high-productivity programming on massive parallel computers, models for mobile computing, and much more. 
Along with problems and further reading in each chapter, the book includes in-depth examples and case studies using various languages that help students understand syntax in practical contexts.
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Introduction to Programming Languages Hardcover – Import, 29 Jun 2017 by Arvind Kumar Bansal (Author) 

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Introduction to Programming Languages Hardcover – Import, 29 Jun 2017 by Arvind Kumar Bansal (Author)

Foundations of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) Paperback – Import, 20 Dec 2017 by Kent D. Lee (Author)

This clearly written textbook provides an accessible introduction to the three programming paradigms of object-oriented/imperative, functional, and logic programming. Highly interactive in style, the text encourages learning through practice, offering test exercises for each topic covered. 
Review questions and programming projects are also presented, to help reinforce the concepts outside of the classroom. This updated and revised new edition features new material on the Java implementation of the JCoCo virtual machine.
Topics and features: includes review questions and solved practice exercises, with supplementary code and support files available from an associated website; presents an historical perspective on the models of computation used in implementing the programming languages used today; provides the foundations for understanding how the syntax of a language is formally defined by a grammar; illustrates how programs execute at the level of assembly language, through the implementation of a stack-based Python virtual machine called JCoCo and a Python disassembler; introduces object-oriented languages through examples in Java, functional programming with Standard ML, and programming using the logic language Prolog; describes a case study involving the development of a compiler for the high level functional language Small, a robust subset of Standard ML.Undergraduate students of computer science will find this engaging textbook to be an invaluable guide to the skills and tools needed to become a better programmer. While the text assumes some background in an imperative language, and prior coverage of the basics of data structures, the hands-on approach and easy to follow writing style will enable the reader to quickly grasp the essentials of programming languages, frameworks, and architectures.

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Foundations of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) Paperback – Import, 20 Dec 2017 by Kent D. Lee (Author) 

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Foundations of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) Paperback – Import, 20 Dec 2017 by Kent D. Lee (Author)

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Python for Data Mining Quick Syntax Reference Paperback – Import, 20 Dec 2018 by Valentina Porcu (Author)

Learn how to use Python and its structures, how to install Python, and which tools are best suited for data analyst work. This book provides you with a handy reference and tutorial on topics ranging from basic Python concepts through to data mining, manipulating and importing datasets, and data analysis.

Python for Data Mining Quick Syntax Reference covers each concept concisely, with many illustrative examples. You'll be introduced to several data mining packages, with examples of how to use each of them. 

The first part covers core Python including objects, lists, functions, modules, and error handling. The second part covers Python's most important data mining packages: NumPy and SciPy for mathematical functions and random data generation, pandas for dataframe management and data import, Matplotlib for drawing charts, and scikitlearn for machine learning.  

What You'll Learn
  • Install Python and choose a development environment
  • Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
  • Import, open, and edit files
  • Review the differences between Python 2.x and 3.x
Who This Book Is For

Programmers new to Python's data mining packages or with experience in other languages, who want a quick guide to Pythonic tools and techniques.
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Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language Paperback – 2013 by Mark Gardener (Author)

This book is about data analysis and the programming language called R. This is rapidly becoming the de-facto standard amongst professionals and is used in every conceivable discipline from science and medicine to business and engineering.

This book delves into the language of R and makes it accessible using simple data examples to explore its power and versatility. In learning how to "speak R" you will unlock its potential and gain better insights into tackling even the most complex of data analysis tasks.

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 Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language Paperback – 2013 by Mark Gardener (Author)

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Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language Paperback – 2013 by Mark Gardener (Author)

Monday, 18 March 2019

Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Second Edition

Portable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers ready answers for administering SQL Server 2008. Zero in on core support and maintenance tasks using quick-reference tables, instructions, and lists. 

Also get fast facts to : Plan, deploy, and configure SQL Server 2008 Administer server and surface security, access, and network configuration Import, export, transform, and replicate data Manipulate schemas, tables, indexes, and views Automate maintenance and implement policy-based management Monitor server activity and tune performance Manage log shipping and database mirroringPerform backups and recovery

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant Paperback – 2009 by Stanek (Author), William R (Author) 

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant Paperback – 2009 by Stanek (Author), William R (Author)

Domain-Specific Languages in R

Gain an accelerated introduction to domain-specific languages in R, including coverage of regular expressions. This compact, in-depth book shows you how DSLs are programming languages specialized for a particular purpose, as opposed to general purpose programming languages. 

Along the way, you'll learn to specify tasks you want to do in a precise way and achieve programming goals within a domain-specific context. Domain-Specific Languages in R includes examples of DSLs including large data sets or matrix multiplication; pattern matching DSLs for application in computer vision; and DSLs for continuous time Markov chains and their applications in data science. 

After reading and using this book, you'll understand how to write DSLs in R and have skills you can extrapolate to other programming languages. What You'll Learn Program with domain-specific languages using R Discover the components of DSLs Carry out large matrix expressions and multiplications Implement metaprogramming with DSLs Parse and manipulate expressions Who This Book Is For Those with prior programming experience. R knowledge is helpful but not required.
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Domain-Specific Languages in R: Advanced Statistical Programming Paperback – Import, 22 Feb 2019 by Thomas Mailund 
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Domain-Specific Languages in R: Advanced Statistical Programming Paperback – Import, 22 Feb 2019 by Thomas Mailund 

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