Python Quiz | Day 40 | What is the output of following code ?
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Python Coding January 02, 2023 Python No comments
Python Quiz | Day 40 | What is the output of following code ?
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Python Coding December 28, 2022 Python No comments
Python Quiz | Day 37 | What is the output of following code ?
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Python Coding December 25, 2022 Python No comments
Complete Playlist :
Answer: D. Explanation:
The list.pop method removes an element from the list, and returns the removed element.
When used without arguments, pop removes and returns the last element of the list.
When an argument index is specified,
Python Coding October 02, 2022 Python No comments
Python is a great language to learn, but it can be hard to pick up if you’ve never programmed before. A lot of the syntax and functions are pretty weird when compared to other languages like JavaScript, Ruby or Java. Luckily, Python has some helpful built-in functions that make it easier for beginners to get started learning programming. In this blog post we will take a look at some of these functions and how they can help us become more efficient programmers in our daily lives!
The following Python code is an example of lazy operators. This section shows how to use them in your own programs, but we will first use the examples provided by the python documentation:
print(all([])) - returns all items from a list (or other iterable), without necessarily creating any copies. It's like calling len() on a list and then getting its length.
print(any([])) - returns true if at least one item in a list satisfies some condition . For example, if you want to know whether there are any numbers greater than 10 inside [10], then it would be easier just to test each number one by one rather than doing this whole loop thingy....
You can use the all() function to print all of the elements in a list. For example, this will print all numbers in the range:
print(all([1, 2, 3]))
If you want to print only one element from the list, you can use an index:
The first line of code is the same as above, but in Python it looks for a false element. The algorithm looks for the first occurrence of a true element and, if none were found, returns False. Since the sequence is empty, there are no elements that can be true so this runs through and prints False
The first thing that you need to know about lazy operators is that they are lazy. This means that when we use them, we can only get the result at a later time. Here's an example:
```The first two lines print out all elements in their operands but do not return any values, because there are no true cases present in those expressions yet. If you were expecting a set or list of tuples as an answer from these expressions and wanted to see if an element existed before returning false, then it would work just fine with these operators -- but what if I told you there was another way?
"""Function all() is a little complicated, but you already know how it works.
It accepts one argument and returns a list containing the items in the reversed order. This can be useful for doing things like summing up numbers or sorting them by value. It's also useful for making sure that only unique values are present in your data structures (e.g., if you have an array of dictionaries and one of them contains duplicate keys).
The problem with this function is that it requires more memory than necessary because we don't need to keep track of what order our results will be returned in; they'll always be sorted automatically by Python when they come back from our function call! That means there's no reason not removing those extra elements from both sides before feeding them into any other operation such as filter().
Since it represents the concept of vacuous truth, the all() function returns True if all elements are true. The any() function returns True if any element is true.
If you're looking for the first non-false element, then all([]), like lazy operators, is a function that returns True when provided with any other value.
However, since there are no false elements in an empty sequence (and since Python doesn't have built-in logic to check for nulls), print(all([])) prints True:
The algorithm is to look for the first false element and, if none were found, return True. If any element of the iterable is true, then return True.
The following code snippet demonstrates how this works in Python:
The if statement is one of the most useful features in Python. It allows you to check whether or not an element is true, and if none were found then return True.
The following code:
if x > 0 and y < 10:
yields this output: True
Since there are no false elements in an empty sequence, print(all([])) prints True.
However, there is another way to achieve this effect: we can simply use the bool() function! The boolean value of x is true if x is equal to true or false (or any other value that Python determines as being truthy). Using this check for equality will return a boolean result when called on a list containing only one element.
The function any() is the opposite of all(). It will return True if any element in the iterable is true.
If we pass an empty list, no elements will be returned by this function.
For example:
```python print(["Hello", "World"]) # [1] print([]).any() # True```
The first thing that you need to know about lazy operators in Python is that they are the ones that evaluate only when necessary.
The example above shows how logical operators work: the first one to be evaluated is any(), which evaluates to True and then all() evaluates to True, since there are no false elements in the list. If we had another list with three elements and processed it like this (using ** operator), we would have got an empty list back! You might have noticed another thing here—that's right, both operands must be lists!
The first true element is found, and if none were found, returns False.
If you have a list of lists , then this means that it's false for every single element in the list. This can be useful for testing whether a given value is true or false (or both). For example:
>>> L = [True, False] # create an empty list
>>> L[0].append(True) # append some values to the beginning of our original list
You'll get back True!
Since the sequence is empty, there are no elements that can be true. So, all() evaluates its argument immediately and returns True.
On the other hand, any() evaluates its argument only when you call it. This means that if you call any() with a sequence containing an element that does not exist in your dataset (for example if we were to create an empty list), then it would return False since there is nothing else for it to consider as true or false.
The truth is that print(any([]))prints False."""
The reason this works is because the equality operator == returns True if both operands are equal. Therefore, any() will return True only if all elements of the iterable are true. So when we pass an empty list to any(), it will return True and then print() will print out “False” in our console!
Python is a dynamic, interpreted language that encourages you to think as you code. It has an elegant syntax that is easy to learn, even for complete beginners. Although it has a reputation for being slow and complicated, Python’s simplicity and dynamic nature make it an ideal language for data science projects. You can use Python to explore machine learning techniques or build web apps from scratch without having any technical knowledge of programming languages like Java or C++! Coding September 10, 2022 Python No comments
Python Coding September 10, 2022 Python No comments
import pandas as pd
import csv,json
print("Converted JSON file below :")
print (json.dumps(list(csv.reader(open('Instagram.csv')))))
Impressions Home Hashtags Explore Other Saves
0 3920 2586 1028 619 56 98
1 5394 2727 1838 1174 78 194
2 4021 2085 1188 0 533 41
3 4528 2700 621 932 73 172
Converted JSON file below :
[["Impressions", "Home", "Hashtags", "Explore", "Other", "Saves"], ["3920", "2586", "1028", "619", "56", "98"], ["5394", "2727", "1838", "1174", "78", "194"], ["4021", "2085", "1188", "0", "533", "41"], ["4528", "2700", "621", "932", "73", "172"]]
Python Coding September 10, 2022 Python No comments
#import the library pyautogui
import pyautogui
#imports the time library
import time
#run the next lines of code while the state is set as “True”
while True:
#move your cursor 10 pixels
pyautogui.moveRel(0, 10)
#pauses your code from running for 2 seconds
Python Coding September 10, 2022 Python No comments
#reading an Image
from PIL import Image"wolf.png")
import pywhatkit
#reading text file
read_file= open("MyArt.txt","r")
..::.:::.:::.:::.::..::.:::.:::.:::.::..::.:::.:::.:::.::..::..::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.::..::..::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::$#S#*::.:::.:::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.::.:$SS@*:.:::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.::.!#**#S*@:...:::.:::.:::.::.:::.:::.::.:*#**#**$::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:#**$*%S*S&%!:..::.::..::.:::..::..:.:%#**S@*$**$.::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.::$**@***&##***S@*..:..!::::#@.:!..:!$&**S##&%**&**!.:::.:::.:::.:::. ::::.:::.::..#**%***%##&&#S**#**$@SSSS***#S#*%S***#&&#&****%**%::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::::::.::!@&&**S***%%*%@##&&#******S##SS$#*****#@&#&@%*%%**%**%..::.:::.:::.:::. ::::.:::.:*****#**%@*&%**$##&@S*&#%*******&S*&@&S#$**%#*&%*%S*#@@*:::.:::::::::: ::::::::::$***#$**$S***$***@*#@#@*@%***%@*$&@$#*@***@***S$**$#***$:.:::::::::::: :::::::::.*S***&%*%&****%***$*@#*S&@***%&S*S@@S$***$****#***&****$:::::::::::::: :::::::::.%***@%**$&**SS@****@%@$%*******$$&$@&****&****#$**%S***#:.:::::::::::: ::::::::::%#**@***@*##$*%**************************%*$&#*&***S***#:::::::::::::: :::::::::!&****@***%************************************%%**@****#*::::::::::::: ::::::::::&***&$%$$*******%*************************%%******$#****%!.::::::::::: ::::::::*@S***##&@%****%@@&&@%*******************%$@@@@@$****%$#****@:..:::::::: :::::::::$****S@*******%*%%$@&@$***************%@@$%%***%*******@S***#$!:::::::: ::::::::@****S$***************%$$%************$$%****************@*****@!::::::: ::::::!%S***S@%***************************************************&****#$!:::::: :::::.!@**S@*******************************************************%#**S$:.::::: ::::!$S***#%*************%%$#@*********%*********%#@%%%*************$#***S@!:::: :::.%S****#%**********%@&@@&**@**%*****@%@***%%*%S*@@@@@$%**********%#*****$:::: :::*&S***S&%**********%$&S*S&#*&*$#%**%%%%**@#%$*S&&*#$$$%***********@*****#%!:: ::!%****S&$$%%***%$$$%%***@SSS**S$$#%*$@@**@@*@**##S#$***%$@@@$***%%$$@S***S%!:: ::..%&###****&*%@@$%***%$@@&&@$$&S#$$*#$&%$%%#*&%*%$@@@@$%**%$@&$*&*****S&&%.::: ::::...:$S*#%**%%****%%$$@@$$$****$@$#&$$@%%@$%***%$@@@$$$%*****%**@S**#!...:::: :::::!$S***#&@**********************%%%%%*%%**********************$&#****@!.:::: :::!$S******#%******$##@@@$$$%*****%$@@@@@@@$%****%$$$$@@##$******%#******S@!.:: ::::!!%#***S#SS$****%$&@%%$$%@@****%$@@@@@@@$%***@@%$$%*@&$%****%#S#****#%!!:::: ::::.!$$$$&***#*****$@$@$%%@&$@****%$@@@@@@@$%**%@$&$%%@@@@$*****@****@$$$!::::: ::::::..:%S****#&$***$@@$%**$*#****%$@@@@@@@$%***&*%**%$@@$***%%S***&$!..::::::: .:::.:::*$**$&***&***%%%%***#*@****%%$$$$$$%%%***$S@***%%%%***@***SS&:.::.:::.:: ::.:::.::...!&***#@%*******#*$*****@########$****%$S@*******%$&***$::::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.::%##@#***&%$%****S*&$***$****SS****%**%$#*&*****%*$****$!::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.::::!:...******%%***$*S#$***#********#**%@#**%*****#S#**S%!..:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.::..::.!#@S**S@**%%S#*#%***@#&$@##@***%&*S#%***%#S**@&#*.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.::.:SS**&@#***&&*&&@$$$$@@$$$$@&&S&#**S&$$*****..:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::.:!*:$***S&%%*$S%:&%S#****S*$#!*#$*#*@S***S!*!.::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:.%*&*:.:.&S$**$#********#&!S$S**..:%#*#..::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.!*..::..!*&&*@**********&S&&*@.::..:%*::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::..::.:::.**@#*#@S&*#S#$&*S@*#::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::.::::::.:::.::.%*@#$!*!$%$*%$&&*#:.:::.:::.::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.:::.::.:::.:::..!**&@@@@@&@@@@#**!.::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::.::::::.:::.::::&**S&$$%*%%&&#*@::.:::.:::.::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::.:::.:::.:::.::::::::::.:::.:::$#*****@S****@:.:::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.:::.:::. .:::.:::.:::.:::.::::::.:::.:::.::.*###***#&@$.:::.:::.::::::::::.:::.:::.:::.:: ::::::.:::.:::.::::::::::.:::.:::.::::!$!$!...::.:::.::::::::::.:::.:::.:::.:::. ::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::..:..:::::::.:::.::::::::::.:::.:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Python Coding September 10, 2022 Python No comments
# Python program to convert decimal into other number systems
dec = int(input("Enter a Decimal Number: "))
#decimal to binary
print(bin(dec), "in Binary.")
#decimal to octal
print(oct(dec), "in Octal.")
#decimal to Hexadecimal
print(hex(dec), "in Hexadecimal.")
Enter a Decimal Number: 9999 0b10011100001111 in Binary. 0o23417 in Octal. 0x270f in Hexadecimal.
Python Coding September 02, 2022 Projects, Python No comments
Python Coding September 02, 2022 Projects, Python No comments
Python Coding September 02, 2022 Python No comments
Enter the Phone Number: +447894561236 United Kingdom
Python Coding August 30, 2022 Python No comments
from PIL import Image
def Images_Pdf(filename, output):
images = []
for file in filename:
im =
im = im.convert('RGB')
images[0].save(output, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:])
# Images Path , output pdf
Images_Pdf(["binod_mirror.png", "binod.png", "binod.jpg"], "output.pdf")
Python Coding August 30, 2022 Python No comments
pip install pytesseract
pip install pillow
from PIL import Image
from pytesseract import pytesseract
#Define path to tessaract.exe
path_to_tesseract = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
#Define path to image
path_to_image = 'texttoimage.png'
#Point tessaract_cmd to tessaract.exe
pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = path_to_tesseract
#Open image with PIL
img =
#Extract text from image
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
Python Coding August 30, 2022 Python No comments
pip install python-barcode
import barcode
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter
#Define content of the barcode as a string
number = input("Enter the code to generate barcode : ")
#Get the required barcode format
barcode_format = barcode.get_barcode_class('upc')
#Generate barcode and render as image
my_barcode = barcode_format(number, writer=ImageWriter())
#Save barcode as PNG"generated_barcode")
from PIL import Image #to open the barcde and show'generated_barcode.png')
Python Coding August 30, 2022 Python No comments'binod.jpg')
# The file format of the source file.
print(img.format) # Output: JPEG
# The pixel format used by the image.
#Typical values are "1", "L", "RGB", or "CMYK."
print(img.mode) # Output: RGB
# Image size, in pixels.
print(img.size) # Output: (1920, 1280)
print(img.palette) # Output: None
JPEG RGB (500, 271) None
Python Coding August 26, 2022 Python No comments
from calendar import*
year = int(input('Enter Year:'))
print(calendar(year, 2, 1, 8, 4))
#2 = 2 characters for days (Mo,Tu, etc)
#1 = 1 line (row) for each week
#8 = 8 rows for each month
#4 = 4 columns for all months of the year.
2023 January February March April Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 May June July August Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 31 September October November December Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31
Python Coding August 26, 2022 Python No comments
import whois
domain=input("Enter your Domain : ")
domain_info = whois.whois(domain)
for key, value in domain_info.items():
print(key,':', value)
Enter your Domain : domain_name : ['CLCODING.COM', ''] registrar : Google LLC whois_server : referral_url : None updated_date : 2022-04-12 07:43:54 creation_date : 2019-04-12 02:05:57 expiration_date : 2023-04-12 02:05:57 name_servers : ['NS-CLOUD-B1.GOOGLEDOMAINS.COM', 'NS-CLOUD-B2.GOOGLEDOMAINS.COM', 'NS-CLOUD-B3.GOOGLEDOMAINS.COM', 'NS-CLOUD-B4.GOOGLEDOMAINS.COM'] status : ['clientTransferProhibited', 'clientTransferProhibited'] emails : dnssec : unsigned name : Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 7151571251 org : Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 7151571251 address : 96 Mowat Ave city : Toronto state : ON registrant_postal_code : M4K 3K1 country : CA
Python Coding August 17, 2022 Python No comments
pip install plyer
import time
from plyer import notification
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
title = "ALERT!!!",
message = "Take a break! It has been an hour!",
timeout = 10
Python Coding August 16, 2022 Python No comments
# importing packages
from pytube import YouTube
import os
# url input from user
yt = YouTube(str(input("Enter the URL of the video you want to download: \n>> ")))
# extract only audio
video = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first()
# check for destination to save file
print("Enter the destination (leave blank for current directory)")
destination = str(input(">> ")) or '.'
# download the file
out_file =
# save the file
base, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
new_file = base + '.mp3'
os.rename(out_file, new_file)
# result of success
print(yt.title + " has been successfully downloaded in .mp3 format.")
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
from pdf2docx import Converter
pdf_file = 'clcoding.pdf'
docx_file = 'clcoding.docx'
cv = Converter(pdf_file)
[INFO] Start to convert clcoding.pdf [INFO] [1/4] Opening document... [INFO] [2/4] Analyzing document... [INFO] [3/4] Parsing pages... [INFO] (1/1) Page 1 [INFO] [4/4] Creating pages... [INFO] (1/1) Page 1 [INFO] Terminated in 0.16s.
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
INDIAN Flag in Python. All dimensions are as per our INDIAN standards. Let us know if you have any suggestions.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as py
import matplotlib.patches as patch
#Plotting the tri colours in national flag
a = patch.Rectangle((0,1), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#138808', edgecolor='grey')
b = patch.Rectangle((0,3), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#ffffff', edgecolor='grey')
c = patch.Rectangle((0,5), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#FF6103', edgecolor='grey')
m,n = py.subplots()
#AshokChakra Circle
py.plot(4.5,4, marker = 'o', markerfacecolor = '#000080', markersize = 9.5)
chakra = py.Circle((4.5, 4), radius, color='#000080', fill=False, linewidth=7)
#24 spokes in AshokChakra
for i in range(0,24):
p = 4.5 + radius/2 * np.cos(np.pi*i/9 + np.pi/48)
q = 4.5 + radius/2 * np.cos(np.pi*i/9 - np.pi/48)
r = 4 + radius/2 * np.sin(np.pi*i/9 + np.pi/48)
s = 4 + radius/2 * np.sin(np.pi*i/9 - np.pi/48)
t = 4.5 + radius * np.cos(np.pi*i/9)
u = 4 + radius * np.sin(np.pi*i/9)
n.add_patch(patch.Polygon([[4.5,4], [p,r], [t,u],[q,s]], fill=True, closed=True, color='#000080'))
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
from zipfile import ZipFile
with ZipFile('', 'r') as zip_object:
#list of files that are archived in the ZIP file
['binod.jpg', 'BumBumBole.gif', 'clcoding.pdf', 'file1.pdf']
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
import pyshorteners
long_url = input("Enter the URL to shorten: ")
##TinyURL shortener service
type_tiny = pyshorteners.Shortener()
short_url = type_tiny.tinyurl.short(long_url)
print("The Shortened URL is: " + short_url)
Enter the URL to shorten: The Shortened URL is:
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
import PyPDF2
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3.init()
# Read the pdf by specifying the path in your computer
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open('clcoding.pdf', 'rb'))
# Get the handle to speaker
speaker = pyttsx3.init()
# split the pages and read one by one
for page_num in range(pdfReader.numPages):
text = pdfReader.getPage(page_num).extractText()
# stop the speaker after completion
# save the audiobook at specified path
engine.save_to_file(text, 'E:\audio.mp3')
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
img ='binod.jpg')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
text = ""
font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 50)
textwidth, textheight = draw.textsize(text, font)
width, height = img.size
draw.text((x, y), text, font=font)'binod.png')'binod.png')
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
import emoji
🇮🇳 📚 ❤️ 🌺 🌹 👶
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
from captcha. Image import ImageCaptcha
# Specify the image size
image = ImageCaptcha(width = 300, height = 100)
# Specify the Text for captcha
captcha_text = input("Enter Captcha text : ")
# generate the image of the given text
data = image.generate(captcha_text)
# write the image on the given file and save it
image.write(captcha_text, 'E:\CAPTCHA1.png')
from PIL import Image'E:\CAPTCHA1.png')
Enter Captcha text : python
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
Number = int(input("Enter the Number to Check Disarium Number = "))
length = len(str(Number))
Temp = Number
Sum = 0
rem = 0
while Temp > 0:
rem = Temp % 10
Sum = Sum + int(rem**length)
Temp = Temp // 10
length = length - 1
print("The Sum of the Digits = %d" %Sum)
if Sum == Number:
print("\n%d is a Disarium Number." %Number)
print("%d is Not a Disarium Number." %Number)
Enter the Number to Check Disarium Number = 175 The Sum of the Digits = 175 175 is a Disarium Number.
Python Coding August 15, 2022 Python No comments
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
# Using Nominatim Api
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="geoapiExercises")
# Zipocde input
a = input("Enter the zipcode : ")
zipcode = a
# Using geocode()
location = geolocator.geocode(zipcode)
# Displaying address details
print("Details of the Zipcode:")
Enter the zipcode : 411045 Zipcode: 411045 Details of the Zipcode: Pune City, Maharashtra, 411045, India
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