Advance your subject-matter expertise
Learn in-demand skills from university and industry experts
Master a subject or tool with hands-on projects
Develop a deep understanding of key concepts
Earn a career certificate from University of Pennsylvania
Python Coding December 29, 2023 AI, Coursera, Machine Learning No comments
Learn in-demand skills from university and industry experts
Master a subject or tool with hands-on projects
Develop a deep understanding of key concepts
Earn a career certificate from University of Pennsylvania
Python Coding December 28, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
my_tuple = (5, 12, 19, 3, 25)
tup = my_tuple[-2::-2]
Sure! The output of the code is:
(3, 12)
You created a tuple named my_tuple with five elements: 5, 12, 19, 3, and 25.
Then, you created another tuple named tup by slicing my_tuple from the second-last element (-2) to the first element (-1) with a step size of -2 (meaning you iterate from the second-last element to the first element, reversing the order every two elements).
Finally, you printed the tup tuple, which contains the elements extracted from my_tuple: (3, 12).
Python Coding December 27, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
Python Coding December 26, 2023 AI, Coursera, microsoft No comments
Manage Azure resources for machine learning
Run experiments and train models
Deploy and operationalize ethical machine learning solutions
Python Coding December 26, 2023 AI, Deep Learning, IBM No comments
Python Coding December 26, 2023 AI, security No comments
Identify foundational understanding of digital age privacy concepts and theories
Identify privacy implications of modern digital technology
Identify the rules and frameworks for data privacy in the age of technology
Python Coding December 26, 2023 AI, Coursera, IoT, security No comments
What Industry 4.0 is and what factors have enabled the IIoT.
Key skills to develop to be employed in the IIoT space.
What platforms are, and also market information on Software and Services.
What the top application areas are (examples include manufacturing and oil & gas).
Python Coding December 26, 2023 AI, Machine Learning No comments
Apply ML: Identify opportunities where machine learning can improve marketing, sales, financial credit scoring, insurance, fraud detection, and more
Plan ML: Determine the way machine learning will be operationally integrated and deployed, and the staffing and data requirements to get there
Greenlight ML: Forecast the effectiveness of a machine learning project and then internally sell it, gaining buy-in from your colleagues
Lead ML: Manage a machine learning project, from the generation of predictive models to their launch
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
a. Tuple comprehension offers a fast and compact way to generate a tuple.
b. List comprehension and dictionary comprehension can be nested.
c. A list being used in a list comprehension cannot be modified when it is
being iterated.
d. Sets being immutable cannot be used in comprehension.
e. Comprehensions can be used to create a list, set or a dictionary.
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Coursera, Data Science, IBM No comments
Describe what a data science methodology is and why data scientists need a methodology.
Apply the six stages in the Cross-Industry Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology to analyze a case study.
Evaluate which analytic model is appropriate among predictive, descriptive, and classification models used to analyze a case study.
Determine appropriate data sources for your data science analysis methodology.
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Coursera, Data Science No comments
This course is part of the Data Science at Scale Specialization
When you enroll in this course, you'll also be enrolled in this Specialization.
Learn new concepts from industry experts
Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
Earn a shareable career certificate
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Coursera, Data Science, Excel, SQL No comments
Learn in-demand skills from university and industry experts
Master a subject or tool with hands-on projects
Develop a deep understanding of key concepts
Earn a career certificate from Duke University
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Coursera, Data Science No comments
This course is part of the Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization
When you enroll in this course, you'll also be enrolled in this Specialization.
Learn new concepts from industry experts
Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
Earn a shareable career certificate
Python Coding December 26, 2023 Coursera, Data Science, Excel No comments
Learn in-demand skills from university and industry experts
Master a subject or tool with hands-on projects
Develop a deep understanding of key concepts
Earn a career certificate from Macquarie University
Python Coding December 25, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
def fun(a, *args, s = '!') :
print(a, s)
for i in args :
print(i, s)
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
a. Dictionary elements can be accessed using position-based index.
b. Dictionaries are immutable.
c. Insertion order is preserved by a dictionary.
d. The very first key - value pair in a dictionary d can be accessed using the
expression d[0].
e. courses.clear( ) will delete the dictionary object called courses.
f. It is possible to nest dictionaries.
g. It is possible to hold multiple values against a key in a dictionary
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Python No comments
Free Code :
from colorama import Fore
import pyfiglet
font = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Merry Christmas ')
Importing Libraries:
from colorama import Fore
import pyfiglet
The colorama library is used for adding color to the output text in the console.
The pyfiglet library is used for creating ASCII art text.
Creating ASCII Art:
font = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Merry Christmas ')
The pyfiglet.figlet_format function is used to convert the text "Merry Christmas" into ASCII art format using a specific font. In this case, it uses the default font.
Printing in Green:
print(Fore.GREEN + font)
Fore.GREEN sets the text color to green using Colorama.
font contains the ASCII art text generated by PyFiglet.
The print statement then outputs the combined result, which is the ASCII art text in green.
To run this code, you'll need to have the colorama and pyfiglet libraries installed. You can install them using the following commands:
pip install colorama
pip install pyfiglet
After installing the required libraries, you can run the script to see the "Merry Christmas" message in green ASCII art in your terminal.
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Coursera, Meta No comments
Structure campaigns in Meta Ads Manager
Build an ad that aligns with your marketing objectives and target it to your intended audience
Set a budget, placement, and schedule for your ads in Meta Ads Manager
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Coursera, Meta No comments
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Coursera, Meta No comments
Gain the skills required for an entry-level career as an iOS developer.
Learn how to create applications for iOS systems and how to manage the lifecycle of a mobile app.
Learn programming fundamentals, how to create a user interface (UI) and best practices for designing the UI.
Create a portfolio with projects that show your ability to publish, deploy and maintain iOS apps as well as cross-platform apps using React Native.
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Coursera, Meta No comments
Gain the skills required to create apps across different platforms and devices.
Learn programming fundamentals, how to create a user interface (UI) and best practices for designing the UI.
Become an expert in React Native, React, JavaScript, GitHub repositories and version control.
Walk away with a project-based portfolio that demonstrates your skills to employers.
Python Coding December 24, 2023 Android, Coursera, Meta No comments
Gain the skills required for an entry-level career as an Android developer.
Learn how to create applications for Android including how to build and manage the lifecycle of a mobile app using Android Studio.
Learn coding in Kotlin and the programming fundamentals for how to create the user interface (UI) and best practices for design.
Create cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. Demonstrate your new skills by creating a job-ready portfolio you can show during interviews.
Python Coding December 23, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
The discard() method in Python is used to remove a specified element from a set. If the element is not present in the set, discard() does nothing and does not raise an error.
In the code
s = {1, 3, 7, 6, 5}
The element 4 is not present in the set s, so the discard() method will do nothing. The output will be the original set:
{1, 3, 5, 6, 7}
The set s remains unchanged because the attempt to discard the non-existent element 4 has no effect.
Python Coding December 23, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
num1 = num2 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print(isinstance(num1, tuple))
The above code creates a tuple (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) and assigns it to both num1 and num2. Then, it checks if num1 is an instance of the tuple class using the isinstance() function and prints the result.
The correct output of the code will be:
This is because both num1 and num2 refer to the same tuple object, and since that object is indeed a tuple, the isinstance() function returns True.
num1 = num2 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print(num1 is num2)
The above code checks if num1 and num2 refer to the same object in memory using the is keyword. Since both num1 and num2 are assigned the same tuple (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), which is an immutable object, the result will be True. Here's the correct output:
This is because both variables (num1 and num2) point to the same memory location where the tuple is stored.
num1 = num2 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print(num1 is not num2)
The code checks if num1 and num2 do not refer to the same object in memory using the is not comparison. Since both num1 and num2 are assigned the same tuple (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), the result will be False. Here's the correct output:
This is because both variables (num1 and num2) point to the same memory location where the tuple is stored, so the is not comparison returns False.
num1 = num2 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print(20 in num1)
The code checks if the value 20 is present in the tuple assigned to the variable num1. Since 20 is one of the values in the tuple (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), the result will be True. Here's the correct output:
The in keyword is used to check membership, and it returns True if the specified value is found in the sequence (in this case, the tuple num1).
num1 = num2 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
print(30 not in num2)
The code checks if the value 30 is not present in the tuple assigned to the variable num2. Since 30 is one of the values in the tuple (10, 20, 30, 40, 50), the result will be False. Here's the correct output:
The not in keyword is used to check if a value is not present in a sequence. In this case, 30 is present in the tuple num2, so the expression evaluates to False.
Python Coding December 23, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
In the code snippet you provided, you have defined two different sets, s and t, and then printed their types. Let me explain the code step by step:
s = {}
Here, you have defined an empty set. However, the syntax you used ({}) actually creates an empty dictionary in Python, not an empty set. To create an empty set, you should use the set() constructor like this:
s = set()
Now, let's move to the second part of the code:
t = {1, 4, 5, 2, 3}
Here, you have defined a set t with the elements 1, 4, 5, 2, and 3.
Finally, you printed the types of s and t:
print(type(s), type(t))
This will output the types of s and t. If you correct the creation of the empty set as mentioned above, the output will be:
<class 'set'> <class 'set'>
This indicates that both s and t are of type set
Python Coding December 23, 2023 Python No comments
Code :
from colorama import Fore
def heart_shape(msg="Merry Christmas"):
lines = []
for y in range(15, -15, -1):
line = ""
for x in range(-30, 30):
f = ((x * 0.05) ** 2 + (y * 0.1) ** 2 - 1) ** 3 - (x * 0.05) ** 2 * (y * 0.1) ** 3
line += msg[(x - y) % len(msg)] if f <= 0 else " "
heart_shape() # Call the function to create the heart
Python Coding December 23, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
a. Python is free to use and distribute.
b. Same Python program can work on different OS - microprocessor combinations.
c. It is possible to use C++ or Java libraries in a Python program.
d. In Python type of the variable is decided based on its usage.
e. Python cannot be used for building GUI applications.
f. Python supports functional, procedural, object-oriented and eventdriven programming models.
g. GUI applications are based on event-driven programming model.
h. Functional programming model consists of interaction of multiple objects.
Python Coding December 22, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
msg = 'clcoding'
ch = print(msg[-0])
Python Coding December 22, 2023 Data Science, Python No comments
a. Numpy library gets installed when we install Python.
b. Numpy arrays work faster than lists.
c. Numpy array elements can be of different types.
d. Once created, a Numpy arrays size and shape can be changed
e. np.array_equal(a, b)) would return True if shape and elements of a and
b match.
Python Coding December 22, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
The % operator in Python is the modulo operator, which returns the remainder of the division of the left operand by the right operand. In the expression 3 % -2, the remainder of the division of 3 by -2 is calculated. The result is -1, because when 3 is divided by -2, the quotient is -2 with a remainder of -1. Therefore, print(3 % -2) will output -1.
Python Coding December 21, 2023 Python No comments
Free Code :
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(7,16)
y = np.arange(1,18,2)
z = np.column_stack((x[:: -1],y))
for i,j in z:
print(' '*i+'*'*j)
for r in range(3):
print(' '*13, ' || ')
print(' '*12, end = '\======/')
Python Coding December 21, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
Code :
print(True not True)
True not True: This expression involves two boolean values (True and True) and the boolean operator not.
not operator: The not operator inverts the truth value of a boolean expression. It means "the opposite of" or "the negation of".
True is a boolean value representing truth.
not True means "the opposite of True", which is False.
print(False): The print() function outputs the value False to the console.
Therefore, the code prints False because the expression True not True evaluates to False due to the negation of the boolean value True by the not operator.
Python Coding December 21, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
In the given Python code:
x = 5
y = 15
z = x != y
Here's what each line does:
x = 5: Assigns the value 5 to the variable x.
y = 15: Assigns the value 15 to the variable y.
z = x != y: Checks if the value of x is not equal to the value of y and assigns the result to the variable z. In this case, x (which is 5) is not equal to y (which is 15), so z will be True.
print(z): Prints the value of z, which is the result of the inequality check. In this example, it will print True.
So, the output of this code will be:
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
msg = 'clcoding'
s = list(msg[:4])[::-1]
The above code creates a string msg and then manipulates it to print a specific result. Here's an explanation of each step:
msg = 'clcoding': This line defines a variable named msg and assigns the string "clcoding" to it.
s = list(msg[:4])[::-1]: This line does several things at once:
list(msg[:4]): This part takes the first 4 characters of the msg string ("clco") and converts them into a list of individual characters.
[::-1]: This operator reverses the order of the elements in the list. So, our list becomes ["o", "c", "l", "c"].
print(s): This line simply prints the contents of the s list, which is now reversed: ['o', 'c', 'l', 'c'].
Therefore, the code extracts the first 4 characters from the string "clcoding," reverses their order, and then prints the resulting list.
Here are some additional details to keep in mind:
The [:] notation after msg in step 2 is called slicing. It allows us to extract a specific subsequence of characters from a string. In this case, [:4] specifies the range from the beginning of the string (index 0) to the 4th character (index 3, not inclusive).
The [::-1] operator is called an extended slice with a step of -1. This reverses the order of the elements in the list.
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Coursera, Meta, Python No comments
Foundational programming skills with basic Python Syntax.
How to use objects, classes and methods.
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Coursera, HTML&CSS, Python No comments
This course is designed to start you on a path toward future studies in web development and design, no matter how little experience or technical knowledge you currently have. The web is a very big place, and if you are the typical internet user, you probably visit several websites every day, whether for business, entertainment or education. But have you ever wondered how these websites actually work? How are they built? How do browsers, computers, and mobile devices interact with the web? What skills are necessary to build a website? With almost 1 billion websites now on the internet, the answers to these questions could be your first step toward a better understanding of the internet and developing a new set of internet skills.
By the end of this course you’ll be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see. Finally, you’ll be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future and be fully prepared to take the next step in a more advanced web development or design course or specialization.
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Coursera, Google No comments
This course is part of the Google IT Support Professional Certificate
When you enroll in this course, you'll also be enrolled in this Professional Certificate.
Learn new concepts from industry experts
Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
Earn a shareable career certificate from Google
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Coursera, Java, Meta No comments
Creating simple JavaScript codes.
Creating and manipulating objects and arrays.
Writing unit tests using Jest
Python Coding December 20, 2023 Coursera, HTML&CSS, IBM, Java No comments
Describe the Web Application Development Ecosystem and terminology like front-end developer, back-end, server-side, and full stack.
Identify the developer tools and integrated development environments (IDEs) used by web developers.
Create and structure basic web pages using HTML and style them with CSS.
Develop dynamic web pages with interactive features using JavaScript.
Python Coding December 19, 2023 Python Coding Challenge No comments
The provided Python code is a simple loop that iterates over a range of numbers and prints the result of a mathematical expression for each iteration. Here's a breakdown of what the code does:
for i in range(4):
print(0.1 + i * 0.25)
for i in range(4):: This line sets up a loop that iterates over the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3. The variable i takes on each of these values during each iteration.
print(0.1 + i * 0.25): Inside the loop, this line calculates a value using the current value of i and prints the result. The expression 0.1 + i * 0.25 is evaluated for each iteration. The value of i is multiplied by 0.25, and then 0.1 is added to the result. The final result is printed to the console.
The output of the code will be as follows:
This is because for each iteration, i takes on the values 0, 1, 2, and 3, and the corresponding calculations result in the printed values.
Python Coding December 18, 2023 Coursera, Cybersecurity No comments
What Cybersecurity is
What an Operating System is
What Risk Management is
Python Coding December 18, 2023 Coursera, Cybersecurity, IBM No comments
Recognize the importance of data security, maintaining data integrity, and confidentiality
Demonstrate the installation of software updates and patches
Identify preferred practices for authentication, encryption, and device security
Discuss types of security threats, breaches, malware, social engineering, and other attack vectors
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