Monday 12 February 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 126 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


The above code defines a dictionary x with integer keys and values that are powers of 2. The list(x.values())[2] extracts the third value from the dictionary's values and prints it. In Python, indexing is 0-based, so the third element has an index of 2.

Let's break it down:

x = {0: 4, 1: 8, 2: 16, 3: 32}


Here, list(x.values()) converts the dictionary values into a list, and then [2] retrieves the third element (index 2) from that list.

So, the output will be 16.

Introduction to Calculus (Free Courses)


There are 5 modules in this course

The focus and themes of the Introduction to Calculus course address the most important foundations for applications of mathematics in science, engineering and commerce. The course emphasises the key ideas and historical motivation for calculus, while at the same time striking a balance between theory and application, leading to a mastery of key threshold concepts in foundational mathematics. 

Students taking Introduction to Calculus will: 

gain familiarity with key ideas of precalculus, including the manipulation of equations and elementary functions (first two weeks), 

develop fluency with the preliminary methodology of tangents and limits, and the definition of a derivative (third week),

develop and practice methods of differential calculus with applications (fourth week),

develop and practice methods of the integral calculus (fifth week).

Join Free: Introduction to Calculus

Business Analytics with Excel: Elementary to Advanced (Free Courses)


There are 6 modules in this course

A leader in a data driven world requires the knowledge of both data-related (statistical) methods and of appropriate models to use that data. This Business Analytics class focuses on the latter: it introduces students to analytical frameworks used for decision making though Excel modeling. These include Linear and Integer Optimization, Decision Analysis, and Risk modeling. For each methodology students are first exposed to the basic mechanics, and then apply the methodology to real-world business problems using Excel. 

Emphasis will be not on the "how-to" of Excel, but rather on formulating problems, translating those formulations into useful models, optimizing and/or displaying the models, and interpreting results. The course will prepare managers who are comfortable with translating trade-offs into models, understanding the output of the software, and who are appreciative of quantitative approaches to decision making.

Business analytics makes extensive use of data and modeling to drive decision making in organizations. This class focuses on introducing students to analytical frameworks used for decision making to make sense of the data, starting from the basics of Excel and working up to advanced modeling techniques.

Free Course: Business Analytics with Excel: Elementary to Advanced

Sunday 11 February 2024

What is the output of the following Python code?


The given code involves two operations: division (/) and floor division (//) with the variables x and y. Let's see what the output would be: 

x = 8

y = 2

print(x / y)   # Regular division

print(x // y)  # Floor division





The first print(x / y) performs regular division, resulting in 8 / 2 = 4.0.

The second print(x // y) performs floor division, which discards the decimal part and gives the quotient, resulting in 8 // 2 = 4.

Python Coding challenge - Day 125 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



a = 5 and 10

b = 5 or 10

c = a + b

print(c * 2)

Answer and Solution:

Let's break down the code with the given logical operations:

a = 5 and 10: The and operator returns the last true operand, or the first false operand. In this case, it evaluates both 5 and 10 and returns 10 because both are considered truthy values. So, a is assigned the value 10.

b = 5 or 10: The or operator returns the first true operand, or the last false operand. In this case, it evaluates 5 and since 5 is considered truthy, b is assigned the value 5.

c = a + b: This line adds the values of a and b (10 + 5) and assigns the result (15) to the variable c.

print(c * 2): This line prints the result of doubling the value of c, which is 15 * 2 = 30.

So, when you run this code, it will output 30.

Saturday 10 February 2024

Software Developer Career Guide and Interview Preparation


What you'll learn

Describe the role of a software engineer and some career path options as well as the prospective opportunities in the field.

Explain how to build a foundation for a job search, including researching job listings, writing a resume, and making a portfolio of work.

Summarize what a candidate can expect during a typical job interview cycle, different types of interviews, and how to prepare for interviews.

Explain how to give an effective interview, including techniques for answering questions and how to make a professional personal presentation.

Join Free : Software Developer Career Guide and Interview Preparation

There are 3 modules in this course

Software engineering professionals are in high demand around the world, and the trend shows no sign of slowing. There are lots of great jobs available, but lots of great candidates too. How can you get the edge in such a competitive field?

This course will prepare you to enter the job market as a great candidate for a software engineering position. It provides practical techniques for creating essential job-seeking materials such as a resume and a portfolio, as well as auxiliary tools like a cover letter and an elevator pitch. You will learn how to find and assess prospective job positions, apply to them, and lay the groundwork for interviewing. 

The course doesn’t stop there, however. You will also get inside tips and steps you can use to perform professionally and effectively at interviews. You will learn how to approach a code challenge and get to practice completing them. Additionally, it provides information about the regular functions and tasks of software engineers, as well as the opportunities of the profession and some options for career development.

You will get guidance from a number of experts in the software industry through the course. They will discuss their own career paths and talk about what they have learned about networking, interviewing, solving coding problems, and fielding other questions you may encounter as a candidate. Let seasoned software development professionals share their experience to help you get ahead and land the job you want.  

This course will prepare learners for roles with a variety of titles, including Software Engineer, Software Developer, Application Developer, Full Stack Developer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer, DevOps Engineer, and Mobile App Developer.

Friday 9 February 2024

How to Use Python Lambda Functions?


1. Simple Arithmetic Operations:

add = lambda x, y: x + y
subtract = lambda x, y: x - y
multiply = lambda x, y: x * y
divide = lambda x, y: x / y
print(add(3, 5))        # Output: 8
print(subtract(8, 3))    # Output: 5
print(multiply(4, 6))    # Output: 24
print(divide(10, 2))     # Output: 5.0

2. Sorting a List of Tuples :

pairs = [(1, 5), (2, 3), (4, 1), (3, 8)]
sorted_pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[1])
print(sorted_pairs)  # Output: [(4, 1), (2, 3), (1, 5), (3, 8)]
[(4, 1), (2, 3), (1, 5), (3, 8)]

3. Filtering a List:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
even_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers))
print(even_numbers)  # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]
[2, 4, 6, 8]

4. Mapping a Function to a List:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared_numbers = list(map(lambda x: x**2, numbers))
print(squared_numbers)  # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

5. Using Lambda with map and filter:

# Doubling each element in a list using map
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
doubled_numbers = list(map(lambda x: x * 2, numbers))
print(doubled_numbers)  # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
# Filtering odd numbers using filter
odd_numbers = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 != 0, numbers))
print(odd_numbers)  # Output: [1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
[1, 3, 5]

6. Using Lambda in Key Functions:

# Sorting a list of strings based on the length of each string
words = ['apple', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'orange']
sorted_words = sorted(words, key=lambda x: len(x))
print(sorted_words)  # Output: ['kiwi', 'apple', 'banana', 'orange']
['kiwi', 'apple', 'banana', 'orange']

7. Creating Functions on the Fly:

# Creating a simple calculator with lambda functions
calculator = {
    'add': lambda x, y: x + y,
    'subtract': lambda x, y: x - y,
    'multiply': lambda x, y: x * y,
    'divide': lambda x, y: x / y,
result = calculator['multiply'](4, 5)
print(result)  # Output: 20

8. Using Lambda in List Comprehensions:

# Squaring each element in a list using list comprehension
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squared_numbers = [(lambda x: x**2)(x) for x in numbers]
print(squared_numbers)  # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

9. Lambda Functions in Higher-Order Functions:

# A higher-order function that takes a function as an argument
def operate_on_numbers(x, y, operation):
    return operation(x, y)
# Using a lambda function as an argument
result = operate_on_numbers(10, 5, lambda x, y: x / y)
print(result)  # Output: 2.0

Thursday 8 February 2024

Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics


Earn a Post Graduate Diploma from a premier institution and build skills for a successful career in data science.

By joining this Postgraduate Diploma program, you will be empowered with the statistical tools required to make data-driven decisions and advance your career in the fields of data science and applied statistics. You will also hone your skills with real-world data from governments and international organisations.

  • Learn how to analyse, visualise, and present large data sets: You will benefit from a 360-degree view into how official data systems are built and learn scientific ways of collecting, analysing and presenting data.
  • Select a specialised track: You will start with the foundations of statistics, economics, and computing skills, leading to a choice between two tracks - data analytics or official statistics.
  • Gain job-ready applied skills: Develop experience with data analysis tools in popular coding platforms like Python and R. You will also acquire skills needed to build, interpret and improve official databases used in policy making.

How will you benefit from this Post Graduate Diploma by ISI?

Learn from the Institution that works with the government and trains key officers of the Ministry :

Functioning under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, ISI is a national institution that leads high-impact national projects involving very large data-sets and works very closely with the Government on various projects.

Prepare for the real-world by working with data from large government and international projects :

Work with open databases used in policy and decision-making across national public projects like the Census of India, National Coal Index (used by the Govt. of India in its auction process of coal mines), browser-based data capture technology for the NSSO survey and important crypto security projects.

Interact in live sessions with renowned, globally-recognised faculty :

Faculty at ISI include eminent scientists of global repute, whose contributions have been recognised with awards such as the Padma Shri, S. S. Bhatnagar Award and the Fellowship of Indian Academy of Science. They facilitate policy decisions by working with large datasets and train officers of the Indian Statistical Service.

Develop industry-ready skills and learn from accomplished experts :

You will get regular opportunities to interact with senior officers of the Indian Statistical Service with up to 40 years of experience. Learn from industry experts through live, interactive sessions and leverage insights to solve critical business challenges at the workplace.

Access potential job opportunities facilitated by ISI :

Through the placement committee led by an ISI faculty convenor, you will get the chance to showcase your skills to prospective employers after building your ‘Learner Skills’ profile. Placements for all ISI programmes are an entirely student-driven activity - there is no placement guarantee offered by ISI.

Receive exclusive career readiness support :

The career readiness program is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitive job market. You will receive exclusive access to networking opportunities, career workshops, sessions with industry experts, curated workplace success courses and mentorship from industry veterans.You will be equipped with the skills, connections, and knowledge needed to accelerate your career.

Gain access to an exclusive student community and alumni network :

  1. Gain a global perspective to data science - 27% learners are studying from 15 different nations such as the USA, UK, Norway, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Australia, etc.

  2. Learners have rich industry experience - 80%+ of the batch are working professionals seeking to advance their skills and career (36% have 10+ years of experience). 40% of the batch is 35+ years old.

  3. Network with industry leaders - Many learners are senior professionals at large MNCs and PSUs such as Microsoft, IBM, Accenture, EY, Volvo, BlackRock, Tata Motors and Wipro.

ISI on-campus graduates consistently go on to succeed as data scientists, analysts, statisticians, researchers, policymakers, and more, and have taken roles with industry leaders such as Microsoft, Google, Dell, JP Morgan & Chase, KPMG, Amazon, Flipkart, Samsung, and others.

Explore enhanced flexibility features :

  1. Payment flexibility - Choose to pay in instalments rather than paying for the entire program upfront to better plan and finance your education.
  2. Self-paced learning - Complete your studies in up to 36 months at no additional cost - focus on your academic pursuits without compromising on your other commitments.
  3. Classes that suit your schedule - Manage your work and studies better by attending classes in the evenings and on weekends.
  4. Choose your specialisation - Choose amongst either data analytics or official statistics (or both), depending on your area of interest.

JOIN: Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics Indian Statistical Institute

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 124 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



class Circle:


Circle.pi = 3.14


Circle.pi = 3.1415

Answer and Solution:

The above code defines a simple class named Circle and assigns a value to its attribute pi. Here's a breakdown of the code:

class Circle:


This code declares a class named Circle with no attributes or methods. It's an empty class, indicated by the pass statement.

Circle.pi = 3.14

This line adds a class attribute pi to the Circle class and assigns the value 3.14 to it. In Python, you can dynamically add attributes to a class at runtime.


This line prints the value of the pi attribute of the Circle class, which is 3.14 as assigned in the previous line.

Circle.pi = 3.1415

This line updates the value of the pi attribute for the Circle class to 3.1415.

If you were to print the value of Circle.pi again after this line, it would now display 3.1415 instead of the initial value 3.14.

Financial Theory with Python: A Gentle Introduction


Nowadays, finance, mathematics, and programming are intrinsically linked. This book provides the relevant foundations of each discipline to give you the major tools you need to get started in the world of computational finance.

Using an approach where mathematical concepts provide the common background against which financial ideas and programming techniques are learned, this practical guide teaches you the basics of financial economics. Written by the best-selling author of Python for Finance, Yves Hilpisch, Financial Theory with Python explains financial, mathematical, and Python programming concepts in an integrative manner so that the interdisciplinary concepts reinforce each other.

Draw upon mathematics to learn the foundations of financial theory and Python programming

Learn about financial theory, financial data modeling, and the use of Python for computational finance

Leverage simple economic models to better understand basic notions of finance and Python programming concepts

Use both static and dynamic financial modeling to address fundamental problems in finance, such as pricing, decision-making, equilibrium, and asset allocation

Learn the basics of Python packages useful for financial modeling, such as NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, and SymPy

Hard Copy: Financial Theory with Python: A Gentle Introduction

Python for Finance Kindle Edition


A beginner's guide for learning Python in the context of finance and economics. Ideal for undergraduate and graduate students who want to learn coding, but have no experience before. The book has easy to understand step-by-step instructions and plenty of exercises.

Hard Copy: Python for Finance Kindle Edition

The Python Bible 7 in 1: Volumes One To Seven (Beginner, Intermediate, Data Science, Machine Learning, Finance, Neural Networks, Computer Vision)


Become A Python Expert From Scratch!

Python's popularity is growing tremendously and it's becoming more and more relevant economically and technologically. The fields of appliaction of the language range from machine learning, over computer networking to business applications.

In this 7 in 1 version you get a full collection of The Python Bible series. From the first volume on, you will be lead on a structured way to the mastery of Python. Besides the basics and the intermediate concepts, you will also learn how to apply it in areas like machine learning, financial analysis and neural networks. At the end you will additionally be introduced to one of the most interesting fields of computer science, which is computer vision After reading this collection, you will not only understand the programming language but you will also be able to work on projects in the stated fields. You will become a true Python expert!

What You Will Learn:

Beginner Level:

• Basics of Programming with Python• Automation of Simple Processes• Programming of Modular Python Applications• Easy Transition to Other Languages (Java, C++ etc.)

Intermediate Level:

• Object-Oriented Programming• Network Programming• Penetration Testing with Python• Regular Expressions• Multithreading• XML Processing• Database Programming• Logging

Data Science:

• Analyzing and Processing Big Data• Statistical Calculations with Python• Visualization of Data• Working with NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas

Machine Learning:

• Predicting Data with Machine Learning• Building Neural Networks with Tensorflow• Recognizing Handwritten Digits with Neural Networks• Applying Linear Models like Regression• K-Nearest-Neighbors Classification• K-Means Clustering• Support Vector Machines


• Financial Analysis with Python• Analyzing and Graphing Stock Data• Plotting Trendlines• Predicting Share Prices with Machine Learning

Neural Networks:

• Generating Poetic Texts with Neural Networks• Predicting Sequential Data (Stocks, Weather etc.)• Processing Audio and Video Data• Recognizing Objects Like Horses, Cars and Trucks on Images• Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks• Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

Computer Vision:

• Making unreadable texts readable again with thresholding• Extracting essential information out of images and videos• Edge detection• Template matching and feature matching• Movement detection in videos• Professional object recognition with OpenCV

Start Your Journey And Become A Python Expert With The Python Bible!

Hard Copy: The Python Bible 7 in 1: Volumes One To Seven (Beginner, Intermediate, Data Science, Machine Learning, Finance, Neural Networks, Computer Vision)

Advanced Excel for Financial Modelling: Integrating Python for Next-Level Analysis: A comprehensive guide to the implementation of Python in Financial Analysis


Reactive Publishing

Unlock the full potential of financial modeling with "Advanced Excel for Financial Modelling: Integrating Python for Next-Level Analysis." This groundbreaking book is the ultimate guide for finance professionals eager to master the fusion of Excel’s user-friendly interface with Python's powerful computational abilities. Whether you're starting your journey in financial analysis or looking to sharpen your existing skills, this book is tailored to catapult your expertise to the forefront of the industry.

Dive into the rich, instructional content that begins with a foundational understanding of Excel and Python’s role in contemporary financial analysis, moving seamlessly into practical applications that will revolutionize your workflow. With a clear, step-by-step approach, you'll learn to structure models for clarity and precision, validate data to ensure accuracy, and document your work for transparency and reproducibility.

Each chapter unfolds new dimensions of Excel and Python, from basic operations to advanced techniques like machine learning and AI, ensuring you’re equipped for the future of finance. Real-world examples bring theory to life, offering hands-on experience in building dynamic, responsive financial models.

With this book, you'll discover:

A comprehensive overview of advanced Excel features and Python's role in financial modeling.

Techniques to enhance data integrity, perform rigorous validation, and ensure model transparency.

Best practices in model structure and design to optimize your analytical workflow.

The integration of Excel with Python for automation, data analysis, and predictive modeling.

Cutting-edge topics including machine learning, AI, and blockchain in financial modeling.

"Advanced Excel for Financial Modelling: Integrating Python for Next-Level Analysis" is more than just a manual; it’s a mentorship journey. Prepare to be challenged and inspired as you elevate your financial modeling skills. Embrace the future of financial analysis with confidence—get your copy today and transform data into decisions.

This book isn't just an investment in your career; it's the blueprint for your future at the forefront of financial analysis. Join the ranks of finance professionals who are shaping the industry — one model at a time. Add to cart now and begin the journey that sets you apart.

Hard Copy: Advanced Excel for Financial Modelling: Integrating Python for Next-Level Analysis: A comprehensive guide to the implementation of Python in Financial Analysis

Python for Finance Cookbook: Over 80 powerful recipes for effective financial data analysis, 2nd Edition

Use modern Python libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn and popular machine learning and deep learning methods to solve financial modeling problems

Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in the PDF format

Key Features

Explore unique recipes for financial data processing and analysis with Python

Apply classical and machine learning approaches to financial time series analysis

Calculate various technical analysis indicators and backtest trading strategies

Book Description

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the financial industry, with a huge collection of accompanying libraries. In this new edition of the Python for Finance Cookbook, you will explore classical quantitative finance approaches to data modeling, such as GARCH, CAPM, factor models, as well as modern machine learning and deep learning solutions.

You will use popular Python libraries that, in a few lines of code, provide the means to quickly process, analyze, and draw conclusions from financial data. In this new edition, more emphasis was put on exploratory data analysis to help you visualize and better understand financial data. While doing so, you will also learn how to use Streamlit to create elegant, interactive web applications to present the results of technical analyses.

Using the recipes in this book, you will become proficient in financial data analysis, be it for personal or professional projects. You will also understand which potential issues to expect with such analyses and, more importantly, how to overcome them.

What you will learn

Preprocess, analyze, and visualize financial data

Explore time series modeling with statistical (exponential smoothing, ARIMA) and machine learning models

Uncover advanced time series forecasting algorithms such as Meta's Prophet

Use Monte Carlo simulations for derivatives valuation and risk assessment

Explore volatility modeling using univariate and multivariate GARCH models

Investigate various approaches to asset allocation

Learn how to approach ML-projects using an example of default prediction

Explore modern deep learning models such as Google's TabNet, Amazon's DeepAR and NeuralProphet

Who this book is for

This book is intended for financial analysts, data analysts and scientists, and Python developers with a familiarity with financial concepts. You'll learn how to correctly use advanced approaches for analysis, avoid potential pitfalls and common mistakes, and reach correct conclusions for a broad range of finance problems.

Working knowledge of the Python programming language (particularly libraries such as pandas and NumPy) is necessary.

Table of Contents

Acquiring Financial Data

Data Preprocessing

Visualizing Financial Time Series

Exploring Financial Time Series Data

Technical Analysis and Building Interactive Dashboards

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

Machine Learning-Based Approaches to Time Series Forecasting

Multi-Factor Models

Modelling Volatility with GARCH Class Models

Monte Carlo Simulations in Finance

Asset Allocation

Backtesting Trading Strategies

Applied Machine Learning: Identifying Credit Default

Advanced Concepts for Machine Learning Projects

Deep Learning in Finance 

Hard Copy: Python for Finance Cookbook: Over 80 powerful recipes for effective financial data analysis, 2nd Edition

The Full Stack


What you'll learn

Build a Django app

 Use the full stack

Configure an environment

Join Free: The Full Stack

There are 5 modules in this course

As you prepare for your role in back-end development, practice bringing together multiple skills to build a full-stack Django app. You’ll start by setting up an environment for a local practical project, and refactoring the front and back-ends of an existing application. You will then have the opportunity to create the front and back-ends of a new application using your full-stack developer skills.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

- Explain common concepts related to full stack development
- Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop well-structured, interactive and responsive websites
- Build a full stack application using Django that stores its data in models on a MySQL database and updates its pages with forms and API endpoints
- Describe the different environments that web applications are deployed to

To complete this course you will need previous experience with back-end development, Python, version control, databases, Django web framework and APIs.

HTML and CSS in depth


What you'll learn

Create a simple form with a responsive layout using HTML5 and CSS

Create a responsive layout using CSS 

Create a UI using Bootstrap

Implement debugging tools

Join Free: HTML and CSS in depth

There are 3 modules in this course

In this course, you’ll use software development tools like HTML to build attractive web pages that work well—and you’ll use structured semantic data to control how websites appear to the end user. 

You will then dive deeper into CSS by applying increasingly specific styling to various elements. You’ll learn to use Bootstrap’s grid system to create layouts and work with components and themes. Finally, you’ll explore debugging and learn how it can be utilized to banish common front-end errors.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Create a simple form with a responsive layout using HTML5 and CSS
Create a responsive layout using CSS 
Create a UI using Bootstrap
Implement debugging tools

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in front-end development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Front-End Developer Capstone


What you'll learn

Design and style a responsive User Interface (UI)

Demonstrate clean and bug free coding

Use React components to create multiple views

Create a website front-end using React JS and JavaScript

Join Free: Front-End Developer Capstone

There are 4 modules in this course

The Capstone project enables you to demonstrate multiple skills from the Certificate by solving an authentic real-world problem. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program. 

This course will test your knowledge and understanding, and provide you with a platform to show off your new abilities in front-end web development using React. During this course, you will be guided through the process of building an app, combining all the skills and technologies you've learned throughout this program to solve the problem at hand. 

On completion of the Capstone project, you’ll have a job-ready portfolio that you can show to recruiters, demonstrate during interviews and impress potential employers.

To complete this course, you will need front-end developer experience.  Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!

Introduction to Front-End Development


What you'll learn

Distinguish between front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers.

Create and style a webpage with HTML and CSS.

The benefits of working with UI frameworks.

Join Free: Introduction to Front-End Development

There are 4 modules in this course

Welcome to Introduction to Front-End Development, the first course in the Meta Front-End Developer program.  

This course is a good place to start if you want to become a web developer. You will learn about the day-to-day responsibilities of a web developer and get a general understanding of the core and underlying technologies that power the internet. You will learn how front-end developers create websites and applications that work well and are easy to maintain. 

You’ll be introduced to the core web development technologies like HTML and CSS and get opportunities to practice using them. You will also be introduced to modern UI frameworks such as Bootstrap and React that make it easy to create interactive user experiences. 

By the end of the course, you will be able to: 

- Describe the front-end developer role 
- Explain the core and underlying technologies that power the internet 
- Use HTML to create a simple webpage 
- Use CSS to control the appearance of a simple webpage 
- Explain what React is 
- Describe the applications and characteristics of the most popular UI frameworks 

For the final project in this course, you will create and edit a webpage using HTML and the Bootstrap CSS framework. Using a responsive layout grid, you will construct a responsive webpage containing text and images that looks great on any size screen. 

This is a beginner course intended for learners eager to learn the fundamentals of web development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior web development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Capstone (React App)


What you'll learn

Designing and styling a responsive User Interface (UI) 

Demonstrating clean and bug free coding 

Using React components 

Creating a cross-platform mobile app using React Native

Join Free: Capstone (React App)

There are 3 modules in this course

This course enables you to demonstrate multiple skills from this program by solving an authentic real-world problem. Each module includes a brief recap of, and links to, content that you have covered in previous courses in this program. The course Capstone project will test your knowledge and understanding in mobile development using React Native. 

To complete this course, you will need React Native experience.  

During this course, you will be guided through the process of building an app, combining all the skills and technologies you've learned throughout this program to solve the problem at hand. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate the following skills:

 - Set up a development environment for working on a React Native project
 - Set up a remote GitHub repository to which you can commit local project changes
 - Apply UX and UI principles to guide creation of a wireframe and prototype for your app
 - Develop screens for a React Native app featuring various components and interactive elements
 - Design an onboarding process for welcoming new users to your app
 - Set up a navigation flow to enable users to move between screens in your app
 - Fetch data from a remote server and store it in a database, and then render it in your app
 - Implement data filtering functionality to enable users to customize information
 - Evaluate the work of your peers and provide informed and constructive feedback

On completion of the Capstone project, you’ll have a job-ready portfolio that you can show to recruiters, demonstrate during interviews and impress potential employers.

React Native


Build your subject-matter expertise

This course is available as part of 

When you enroll in this course, you'll also be asked to select a specific program.

Learn new concepts from industry experts

Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool

Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects

Earn a shareable career certificate

Join Free: React Native

There are 5 modules in this course

React Native is an open-source framework for building cross-platform applications (apps) using React and the platform’s native capabilities. In this course, you will move from the basics of React to a more advanced implementation using React Native. You’ll review a wide range of different React components and ways of styling them. And you’ll get to practice using different mobile methods of interactivity with React Native.

Some of the basics skills you will learn include:
Building a single-page React Native app and styling it using basic components
Building large lists and configuring user inputs within a React Native app
Using the Pressable component to build buttons and other clickable areas
Setting up an app with React Navigation and moving between screens

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 
React Native
Front End development languages (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
Code editing programs, such as Expo and Visual Studio Code

This course is for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in mobile development. To succeed in this course, you will need foundational knowledge of React basics, internet navigation skills and an eagerness to code.

Advanced React


What you'll learn

Create robust and reusable components with advanced techniques and learn different patterns to reuse common behavior

Interact with a remote server and fetch and post data via an API

Seamlessly test React applications with React Testing Library

Integrate commonly used React libraries to streamline your application development

Join Free: Advanced React

There are 4 modules in this course

Learn how to use more advanced React concepts and features, become proficient in JSX, and confidently test your applications.

You’ll examine different types of React components and learn various characteristics and when to use them. You’ll dig into more advanced hooks and create your own. You’ll look into building forms with React. You’ll explore component composition and new patterns, such as Higher Order Components and Render Props. You’ll create a web application that consumes API data and get familiar with the most commonly used React framework integrations, tools, and testing techniques.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Render lists and form components efficiently in React.
Lift shared state up when several components need the updated data.
Leverage React Context to share global state for a tree of components.
Fetch data from a remote server.
Use advanced hooks in React, and put them to use within your application.
Build your own custom hooks.
Understand JSX in depth.
Embrace component composition techniques
Use advanced patterns to encapsulate common behavior via Higher Order Components and Render Props.
Test your React components.
Build a portfolio using React.

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 

You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career.

To take this course, you should understand the basics of React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!

Python Coding challenge - Day 123 | What is the output of the following Python Code?








Solution and Explanation:

The given code contains a try and except block, which are used for exception handling in Python. In this specific case, the try block contains a print("1") statement, and the except block contains a print("2") statement. Finally, there is a print("3") statement outside both blocks.

Here's how the code works:

The code attempts to execute the statements inside the try block.

If an exception occurs during the execution of the try block, the code jumps to the except block and executes the statements inside it.

If there is no exception in the try block, the except block is skipped.

In this case, since there are no statements in the try block that would raise an exception, the code will print "1" and then move on to the print("3") statement. Therefore, the output will be:

1 3

React Basics


What you'll learn

Use reusable components to render views where data changes over time

Organize React projects to create more scalable and maintainable websites and apps

Use props to pass data between components. Create dynamic and interactive web pages and apps

Use forms to allow users to interact with the app. Build an application in React

Join Free: React Basics

There are 4 modules in this course

React is a powerful JavaScript library that you can use to build user interfaces for web and mobile applications (apps). In this course, you will explore the fundamental concepts that underpin the React library and learn the basic skills required to build a simple, fast, and scalable app.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Use reusable components to render views where data changes over time
Create more scalable and maintainable websites and apps 
Use props to pass data between components 
Create dynamic and interactive web pages and apps
Use forms to allow users to interact with the web page 
Build an application in React

You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: 

HTML, CSS and JavaScript 

You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career.

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in mobile development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

Foundations of Project Management


What you'll learn

Describe project management skills, roles, and responsibilities across a variety of industries

Explain the project management life cycle and compare different program management methodologies 

Define organizational structure and organizational culture and explain how it impacts project management.

Join Free: Foundations of Project Management

There are 4 modules in this course

This course is the first in a series of six to equip you with the skills you need to apply to introductory-level roles in project management. Project managers play a key role in leading, planning and implementing critical projects to help their organizations succeed. In this course, you’ll discover foundational project management terminology and gain a deeper understanding of  the role and responsibilities of a project manager. We’ll also introduce you to the kinds of jobs you might pursue after completing this program. Throughout the program, you’ll learn from current Google project managers, who can provide you with a multi-dimensional educational experience that will help you build your skills  for on-the-job application. 

Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

- Define project management and describe what constitutes a project.
- Explore project management roles and responsibilities across a variety of industries.
- Detail the core skills that help a project manager be successful.
- Describe the life cycle of a project and explain the significance of each phase.
- Compare different program management methodologies and approaches and determine which is most effective for a given project.
- Define organizational structure and culture and explain how it impacts project management. 
- Define change management and describe the role of the project manager in the process.

Project Execution: Running the Project


What you'll learn

Implement the key quality management concepts of quality standards, quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.

Demonstrate how to prioritize and analyze data and how to communicate a project’s data-informed story. 

Discuss the stages of team development and how to manage team dynamics.

Describe the steps of the closing process and create project closing documentation.

Join Free: Project Execution: Running the Project

There are 6 modules in this course

This is the fourth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will delve into the execution and closing phases of the project life cycle. You will learn what aspects of a project to track and how to track them. You will also learn how to effectively manage and communicate changes, dependencies, and risks. As you explore quality management, you will learn how to measure customer satisfaction and implement continuous improvement and process improvement techniques. Next, you will examine how to prioritize data, how to use data to inform your decision-making, and how to effectively present that data. Then, you will strengthen your leadership skills as you study the stages of team development and how to manage team dynamics. After that, you will discover tools that provide effective project team communication, how to organize and facilitate meetings, and how to effectively communicate project status updates. Finally, you will examine the steps of the project closing process and how to create and share project closing documentation. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on approaches for accomplishing these tasks while showing you the best project management tools and resources for the job at hand.

Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary.

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

 - Identify what aspects of a project to track and compare different tracking methods.
 - Discuss how to effectively manage and communicate changes, dependencies, and risks.
 - Explain the key quality management concepts of quality standards, quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.
 - Describe how to create continuous improvement and process improvement and how to measure customer satisfaction.
 - Explain the purpose of a retrospective and describe how to conduct one. 
 - Demonstrate how to prioritize and analyze data and how to communicate a project’s data-informed story. 
 - Identify tools that provide effective project team communication and explore best practices for communicating project status updates.
 - Describe the steps of the closing process for stakeholders, the project team, and project managers.

Agile Project Management


What you'll learn

Explain the Agile project management approach and philosophy, including values and principles.

Discuss the pillars of Scrum and how they support Scrum values.

Describe the five important Scrum events and how to set up each event for a Scrum team.

Explain how to coach an Agile team and help them overcome challenges.

Join Free: Agile Project Management

There are 4 modules in this course

This is the fifth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore the history, approach, and philosophy of Agile project management, including the Scrum framework. You will learn how to differentiate and blend Agile and other project management approaches. As you progress through the course, you will learn more about Scrum, exploring its pillars and values and comparing essential Scrum team roles. You will discover how to build, manage, and refine a product backlog, implement Agile’s value-driven delivery strategies, and define a value roadmap. You will also learn strategies to effectively organize the five important Scrum events for a Scrum team, introduce an Agile or Scrum approach to an organization, and coach an Agile team. Finally, you will learn how to search for and land opportunities in Agile roles. Current Google project managers will continue to instruct and provide you with the hands-on approaches, tools, and resources to meet your goals.

Learners who complete this program should be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as project managers. No previous experience is necessary.

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

 - Explain the Agile project management approach and philosophy, including values and principles.
 - Explain the pillars of Scrum and how they support Scrum values.
 - Identify and compare the essential roles in a Scrum team and what makes them effective.
 - Build and manage a Product Backlog and perform Backlog Refinement.
 - Describe the five important Scrum events and how to set up each event for a Scrum team.
 - Implement Agile’s value-driven delivery strategies and define a value roadmap.
 - Explain how to coach an Agile team and help them overcome challenges.
 - Conduct a job search for an Agile role and learn how to succeed in your interview.

Full Stack Web Development For Beginners: Learn Ecommerce Web Development Using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP


Note: This work is revised today (04 November 2022) to provide new instructions on installing AMPPS (version 4.3) and accessing the phpMyAdmin interface which now requires a username and password.

This book is written for absolute beginners who want to become full-stack web application developers. To become a professional full-stack web developer you have to put on many hats. HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP are the core technologies that you must be acquainted with to develop moderate data-driven web applications. All these technologies are voluminous and you need ample time to learn each one of them.

In this fast-changing technological world, no one has time to go through bulky books on these core technologies. With so many web technologies out there in the market, novices are confused and do not have enough time to evaluate these technologies to decide what to pick for their career and where to start. Keeping aside the least utilized features, I've written this book to focus on the more operational areas of these technologies that act as the first stepping stone and will provide you with a solid jump-start into the exciting world of web development. This book is meant to help you learn web development quickly by yourself. It follows a tutorial approach in which hands-on exercises, augmented with illustrations, are provided to teach you web application development in a short period of time. Once you get grips on these core web development technologies through this book, you will be able to easily set the destination for your future.

With uncountable sites and freely available material, this book is written due to the following reasons:

Assemble all scattered pieces in one place. This volume contains HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL. Sequential instructions are provided to download and install the required software and components to set up a complete development environment on your own pc.

Focus on inspiring practical aspects of these web technologies.

Last but not least, move novices gradually right from creating an HTML file with a text editor, through learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, MySQL, and PHP all the way to creating and deploying a professional e-commerce website that comprises static and dynamic pages.

From web introduction to hands-on examples and from website designing to its deployment, this book surely is a complete resource for those who know little or nothing about professional web development.

Hard Copy: Full Stack Web Development For Beginners: Learn Ecommerce Web Development Using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP

Python Programming for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Mastering Python in 7 Days with Hands-On Exercises – Top Secret Coding Tips to Get an Unfair Advantage and Land Your Dream Job!


Are you looking for new job opportunities to improve your work-life balance but you feel stuck in your current career?
Do you barely have time for your hobbies, your family or simply for yourself?

People believe that once you start a career you can only grow vertically. This self-limiting belief only narrows the true horizons of our careers.

But fortunately, in the post-pandemic age, the number of companies looking for remote and non-remote programmers has literally blown.

And that's where PYTHON, the most in-demand programming language in the world, comes in!

The good news is that there is no need to waste time and effort on high-level academic texts, needlessly expensive online courses, or videos and tutorials that are too technical for beginners who are just starting out.

Created with the beginner in mind, Python Programming for Beginners offers an innovative approach that is based on three well-defined principles:

1. Synthesis: topics are carefully selected to give you broad exposure to Python without overwhelming you

2. Simplicity: each concept is broken down into simple steps so that you can learn as many topics as possible in the shortest possible time

3. Practicality: unlike most books, the outputs of ALL the examples are provided immediately, so you don't have to wait to test them on your computer.

Here is a tiny fraction of what you will learn:

A brief introduction to Python, its history, and its main applications to show its huge potential and how learning it can benefit you

How to install Python and choose the best distribution, whether on Windows or Mac, to know everything you need to start, including the best IDE

The Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm and why you must know it, including objects, methods, and inheritance, presented logically and sequentially to help you use this user-friendly language and its simple syntax quickly and easily

Each chapter has practical codes and exercises to test your skills

The best Python programming techniques to maximize script efficiency, thanks to a complete section

Github, pip, Virtual Environment, and Unit Testing, to get a 360-degree view of advanced programming and easily break into it

The SOLUTIONS to the exercises (but be sure to look at them only after first trying to solve the exercises on your own)

BONUS: Python Interview Questions and Answers to crack the interview (scan the QR code inside the book)

Hard Copy: Python Programming for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Mastering Python in 7 Days with Hands-On Exercises – Top Secret Coding Tips to Get an Unfair Advantage and Land Your Dream Job!

Monday 5 February 2024

QA Automation with Python: A complete course to begin your career in Software Testing


Jumpstart your career in software testing and test automation with "QA Automation with Python: A complete course to begin your career in Software Testing." This comprehensive resource is designed specifically for aspiring professionals seeking to enter the dynamic world of software testing and automation using the powerful Python programming language.

With a balanced mix of essential concepts, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, this book is perfect for those who are new to the field and eager to learn the ins and outs of software testing and test automation.

In this beginner-friendly guide, you'll explore:

Python programming fundamentals to build a solid foundation for test automation

Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Python environment tailored for test automation

Web automation using Selenium for seamless browser interaction

Working with web APIs and JSON data to streamline data-driven testing

Web scraping techniques using Beautiful Soup for extracting valuable information

Crafting robust automated test suites for various application types

Best practices in test automation to ensure reliable and maintainable tests

Advanced topics in Python test automation to elevate your testing skills

An end-to-end test automation project to apply your newfound knowledge in a real-world scenario

Embark on your journey to mastering software testing and test automation with this essential guide and unlock new opportunities in the ever-evolving tech industry.

Hard Copy: QA Automation with Python: A complete course to begin your career in Software Testing

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