num = [5, 6]
*midd, lst = num, num[-1]
print(midd, lst)
Solution and Explanation:
Let's break down the code step by step:
num = [5, 6]: This line creates a list called num containing two integers, 5 and 6.
*midd, lst = num, num[-1]: Here, we're using extended iterable unpacking. Let's dissect this line:
*midd: The * operator is used to gather any remaining items in the iterable (in this case, the list num) into a list. So, midd will contain all elements of num except the last one.
, lst: This part assigns the last item of the num list to the variable lst. In this case, it's assigning 6 to lst.
Therefore, after this line executes, midd will be [5] and lst will be 6.
print(midd, lst): This line prints the variables midd and lst. So, it will output [5] 6.
So, overall, the code snippet initializes a list num with two elements [5, 6], then it unpacks this list into two variables: midd, which contains all elements of num except the last one ([5]), and lst, which contains the last element of num (6). Finally, it prints the values of midd and lst.