Thursday 23 May 2024

Convert to mathematical symbols using Python 🧵


import math
import latexify
def quadratic_roots(a, b, c):
    discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
    root1 = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
    root2 = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
    return root1, root2
import math
import latexify
def pythagorean_theorem(a, b):
    return math.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2)
import math
import latexify
def compound_interest(P, r, n, t):
    return P * (1 + r/n) ** (n*t)

import math
import latexify
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
  return math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
import math
import latexify
def factorial(n):
  if n == 0:
    return 1
  elif n == 1:
    return 1
    return n * factorial(n-1)

Python Coding challenge - Day 213 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



a = [1, 2, 3, 4]

b = [1, 2, 5]

if sorted(a) < sorted(b):




Solution and Explanation: 

Let's break down the code step by step to understand what it does:

List Initialization:

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [1, 2, 5]
Here, two lists a and b are initialized with the values [1, 2, 3, 4] and [1, 2, 5], respectively.

Sorting the Lists:

The sorted() function is used to sort the lists a and b. However, since both lists are already sorted in ascending order, the sorted versions will be the same as the original:

sorted(a) results in [1, 2, 3, 4]
sorted(b) results in [1, 2, 5]

sorted(a) < sorted(b)
In Python, comparing lists using < compares them lexicographically (element by element from left to right, like in a dictionary). The comparison proceeds as follows:

Compare the first elements: 1 (from a) and 1 (from b). Since they are equal, move to the next element.
Compare the second elements: 2 (from a) and 2 (from b). Since they are equal, move to the next element.
Compare the third elements: 3 (from a) and 5 (from b). Since 3 is less than 5, the comparison sorted(a) < sorted(b) evaluates to True.
Conditional Statement:

if sorted(a) < sorted(b):
Given that sorted(a) < sorted(b) is True, the code enters the if block and executes print(True).

Putting it all together, the code prints True because, when compared lexicographically, the sorted list a ([1, 2, 3, 4]) is indeed less than the sorted list b ([1, 2, 5]).

13 Powerful Python Features You're Probably Not Using Enough

Python is a versatile and powerful language, and while many developers use it extensively, there are numerous features that often go underutilized.

List Comprehensions

List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. This can replace the need for using loops to generate lists.

squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]

Generator Expressions

Similar to list comprehensions but with parentheses, generator expressions are used for creating generators. These are memory-efficient and suitable for large data sets.

squares_gen = (x**2 for x in range(10))

Default Dictionary

The defaultdict from the collections module is a dictionary-like class that provides default values for missing keys.

from collections import defaultdict

dd = defaultdict(int)

dd['key'] += 1

Named Tuples

namedtuple creates tuple subclasses with named fields. This makes code more readable by accessing fields by name instead of position.

from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')

p = Point(10, 20)

Enumerate Function

The enumerate function adds a counter to an iterable and returns it as an enumerate object. This is useful for obtaining both the index and the value in a loop.

for index, value in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']):

    print(index, value)

Zip Function

The zip function combines multiple iterables into a single iterable of tuples. This is useful for iterating over multiple sequences simultaneously.

names = ['a', 'b', 'c']

ages = [20, 25, 30]

combined = list(zip(names, ages))

Set Comprehensions

Similar to list comprehensions, set comprehensions create sets in a concise way.

unique_squares = {x**2 for x in range(10)}


A frozenset is an immutable set. It's useful when you need a set that cannot be changed after creation.

fs = frozenset([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])


The Counter class from the collections module counts the occurrences of elements in a collection. It's useful for counting hashable objects.

from collections import Counter

counts = Counter(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'b'])

Context Managers

Using the with statement, context managers handle resource management, like file I/O, efficiently and cleanly.

with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:

    contents =


The dataclass decorator simplifies class creation by automatically adding special methods like init and repr.

from dataclasses import dataclass


class Point:

    x: int

    y: int


Decorators are functions that modify the behavior of other functions. They are useful for logging, access control, memoization, and more.

def my_decorator(func):

    def wrapper():

        print("Something is happening before the function is called.")


        print("Something is happening after the function is called.")

    return wrapper


def say_hello():



The asyncio module provides a framework for asynchronous programming. This is useful for I/O-bound and high-level structured network code.

import asyncio

async def main():


    await asyncio.sleep(1)


Wednesday 22 May 2024

50 Best Practices in Python


  1. Write Readable Code: Use descriptive variable names and write comments where necessary.
  2. Follow PEP 8: Adhere to Python's official style guide for formatting your code.
  3. Use Virtual Environments: Isolate project dependencies using virtualenv or venv.
  4. Keep Code DRY: Avoid duplication by creating reusable functions and modules.
  5. Write Modular Code: Break your code into modules and packages.
  6. Use List Comprehensions: For simple loops, prefer list comprehensions for readability and performance.
  7. Handle Exceptions: Use try-except blocks to handle exceptions gracefully.
  8. Use Context Managers: For resource management, use context managers (with statements).
  9. Test Your Code: Write unit tests to ensure your code works as expected.
  10. Leverage Built-in Functions: Python has a rich set of built-in functions; use them to simplify your code.
  11. Optimize Imports: Import only what you need and organize imports logically.
  12. Document Your Code: Write docstrings for modules, classes, and functions.
  13. Use Meaningful Docstrings: Provide useful information in docstrings, including parameters, return values, and examples.
  14. Adopt Version Control: Use git or another version control system to manage your code changes.
  15. Automate Testing: Use CI/CD tools to automate your testing and deployment.
  16. Use Type Hints: Add type hints to your function signatures to make your code more readable and maintainable.
  17. Avoid Global Variables: Limit the use of global variables to reduce complexity.
  18. Keep Functions Small: Write small, single-purpose functions.
  19. Optimize Performance: Profile your code to find bottlenecks and optimize them.
  20. Stay Updated: Keep your Python and library versions up to date.
  21. Use Pythonic Idioms: Write code that takes advantage of Python’s features, such as tuple unpacking and the else clause in loops.
  22. Practice Code Reviews: Regularly review code with peers to catch issues early and share knowledge.
  23. Avoid Mutable Default Arguments: Default argument values should be immutable to avoid unexpected behavior.
  24. Use Logging: Instead of print statements, use the logging module for better control over log output.
  25. Be Careful with Floating Point Arithmetic: Understand the limitations and potential inaccuracies.
  26. Leverage Generators: Use generators to handle large datasets efficiently.
  27. Understand Variable Scope: Be aware of local and global scope and use variables appropriately.
  28. Use Proper Indentation: Follow Python’s strict indentation rules to avoid syntax errors.
  29. Encapsulate Data: Use classes and objects to encapsulate data and functionality.
  30. Implement str and repr: Provide meaningful string representations for your classes.
  31. Avoid Premature Optimization: Focus on readability and maintainability first; optimize when necessary.
  32. Understand the GIL: Be aware of the Global Interpreter Lock and its impact on multithreading.
  33. Use Efficient Data Structures: Choose the right data structure for the task (e.g., lists, sets, dictionaries).
  34. Avoid Deep Nesting: Keep your code flat and avoid deep nesting of loops and conditionals.
  35. Adopt a Consistent Naming Convention: Follow naming conventions for variables, functions, classes, and modules.
  36. Use Enum for Constants: Use the Enum class to define constants.
  37. Prefer f-Strings: Use f-strings for string formatting in Python 3.6+.
  38. Leverage Dataclasses: Use dataclasses for simple data structures (Python 3.7+).
  39. Handle Resources Properly: Ensure files and other resources are closed properly using with statements.
  40. Understand List vs. Tuple: Use lists for mutable sequences and tuples for immutable sequences.
  41. Use Decorators Wisely: Understand and use decorators to extend the behavior of functions and methods.
  42. Optimize Memory Usage: Be mindful of memory usage, especially in large applications.
  43. Adopt a Code Formatter: Use tools like Black to format your code automatically.
  44. Use Static Analysis Tools: Employ tools like pylint, flake8, and mypy to catch potential issues early.
  45. Understand Slicing: Use slicing effectively for lists, tuples, and strings.
  46. Avoid Anti-patterns: Recognize and avoid common anti-patterns in Python programming.
  47. Keep Learning: Continuously learn and stay updated with the latest Python features and libraries.
  48. Contribute to Open Source: Contributing to open-source projects helps improve your skills and gives back to the community.
  49. Write Secure Code: Be aware of security best practices and write code that minimizes vulnerabilities.
  50. Refactor Regularly: Regularly refactor your code to improve its structure and readability.

Python Coding challenge - Day 212 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


let's break down and explain each part of this code:

my_dict = {1: 0, 0: [], True: False}

result = all(my_dict)


Step-by-Step Explanation

Dictionary Creation:

my_dict = {1: 0, 0: [], True: False}

This line creates a dictionary my_dict with the following key-value pairs:

1: 0 - The key is 1 and the value is 0.

0: [] - The key is 0 (or (0) in another form) and the value is an empty list [].

True: False - The key is True and the value is False.

Note that in Python dictionaries, keys must be unique. If you try to define multiple key-value pairs with the same key, the last assignment will overwrite any previous ones. However, in this dictionary, the keys are unique even though 1 and True can be considered equivalent (True is essentially 1 in a boolean context).

Using the all Function:

result = all(my_dict)

The all function in Python checks if all elements in an iterable are True. When all is applied to a dictionary, it checks the truthiness of the dictionary's keys (not the values).

In this dictionary, the keys are 1, 0, and True.

The truthiness of the keys is evaluated as follows:

1 is True.

0 is False.

True is True.

Since one of the keys (0) is False, the all function will return False.

Printing the Result:


This line prints the result of the all function. Given that the dictionary contains a False key (0), the output will be False.


Putting it all together, the code creates a dictionary and uses the all function to check if all the keys are true. Since one of the keys is 0 (which is False), the all function returns False, which is then printed.

So, when you run this code, the output will be:


Tuesday 21 May 2024

Pdf To Audio using Python


# Importing necessary libraries

import PyPDF2

import pyttsx3

# Prompt user for the PDF file name

pdf_filename = input("Enter the PDF file name (including extension): ").strip()

# Open the PDF file


    with open(pdf_filename, 'rb') as pdf_file:

        # Create a PdfFileReader object

        pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file)


        # Get an engine instance for the speech synthesis

        speak = pyttsx3.init()        

        # Iterate through each page and read the text

        for page_num in range(len(pdf_reader.pages)):

            page = pdf_reader.pages[page_num]

            text = page.extract_text()

            if text:



        # Stop the speech engine


        print("Audiobook creation completed.")

except FileNotFoundError:

    print("The specified file was not found.")

except Exception as e:

    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


This script segment accomplishes several tasks:

Importing Necessary Libraries:

PyPDF2: This library is used to work with PDF files, allowing us to read the content of PDF documents.
pyttsx3: This library is used for text-to-speech conversion, enabling us to convert the text extracted from the PDF into spoken words.
Prompting User for PDF File Name:

The input() function is used to prompt the user to enter the name of the PDF file, including its extension (e.g., example.pdf).
The entered file name is stored in the variable pdf_filename.
Opening the PDF File:

The open() function is used to open the PDF file specified by the user. The file is opened in binary read mode ('rb').
This operation is wrapped in a try block to handle possible exceptions, such as the file not being found (FileNotFoundError) or other unexpected errors (Exception).
Reading PDF Content and Converting to Speech:

If the PDF file is successfully opened, a PdfReader object named pdf_reader is created using PyPDF2. This object is used to read the content of the PDF document.
An instance of the text-to-speech engine (speak) is initialized using pyttsx3.init().
The script iterates through each page of the PDF using a for loop and the range(len(pdf_reader.pages)) construct. For each page:
The text content is extracted from the page using page.extract_text().
If the extracted text is not empty, it is passed to the text-to-speech engine to be spoken aloud using speak.say(text) and speak.runAndWait().
After processing all pages, the text-to-speech engine is stopped using speak.stop().
Error Handling:

If the specified PDF file is not found (FileNotFoundError), the script prints a message indicating that the file was not found.
If any other unexpected error occurs during the execution of the script (Exception), the error message is printed.
Completion Message:

If the script executes successfully without encountering any errors, a message indicating the completion of audiobook creation is printed.
Overall, this script segment enables the user to specify a PDF file, reads its content, converts the text to speech, and creates an audiobook from the PDF content.

Python Coding challenge - Day 211 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



explain c = '13\t14' 


Solution and Explanation:

Let's break down the code c = '13\t14' and print(c.index('\t')) to understand what it does:

c = '13\t14'

Here, we are assigning a string to the variable c.

The string '13\t14' contains the characters 1, 3, a tab character (\t), 1, and 4.

The \t is an escape sequence that represents a tab character.


The index method is called on the string c.

c.index('\t') searches the string c for the first occurrence of the tab character (\t).

The index method returns the index (position) of the first occurrence of the specified value.

If the specified value is not found, it raises a ValueError.

Let's put it all together:

The string c is '13\t14'. Visually, it can be represented as:


where <TAB> is a single tab character.

When we call c.index('\t'), we are looking for the index of the tab character in the string c.

In the string '13\t14', the tab character is located at index 2 (considering zero-based indexing):

'1' is at index 0

'3' is at index 1

'\t' (tab) is at index 2

'1' is at index 3

'4' is at index 4

Therefore, the statement print(c.index('\t')) will output 2 because the tab character is found at index 2 in the string c.

Monday 20 May 2024

Box and Whisker plot using Python Libraries

Step 1: Install Necessary Libraries

First, make sure you have matplotlib and seaborn installed. You can install them using pip:

pip install matplotlib seaborn

Step 2: Import Libraries

Next, import the necessary libraries in your Python script or notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

Step 3: Create Sample Data

Create some sample data to plot. This can be any dataset you have, but for demonstration purposes, we will create a simple dataset using NumPy.

# Generate sample data
data = [np.random.normal(0, std, 100) for std in range(1, 5)]

Step 4: Create the Box and Whisker Plot

Using matplotlib and seaborn, you can create a basic Box and Whisker plot.

# Create a boxplot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.boxplot(data, patch_artist=True)

# Add title and labels
plt.title('Box and Whisker Plot')

# Show plot

Step 5: Enhance the Plot with Seaborn

For more advanced styling, you can use seaborn, which provides more aesthetic options.

# Set the style of the visualization


# Create a boxplot with seaborn

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))


# Add title and labels

plt.title('Box and Whisker Plot')



# Show plot

Python Coding challenge - Day 210 | What is the output of the following Python Code?



lst = ['P', 20, 'Q', 4.50]

item = iter(lst)


Solution and Explanation: 

 Let's break down the code and explain each part in detail:

lst = ['P', 20, 'Q', 4.50]
item = iter(lst)


Creating the List:

lst = ['P', 20, 'Q', 4.50]
This line defines a list named lst with four elements:
A string 'P'
An integer 20
Another string 'Q'
A float 4.50

Creating an Iterator:

item = iter(lst)
The iter() function is called with the list lst as an argument.
This converts the list into an iterator object. An iterator is an object that allows you to traverse through all the elements of a collection (in this case, the list lst).
The iterator item is now ready to iterate over the elements of the list one by one.

Accessing the First Element Using next():

The next() function is called on the iterator item.
The next() function retrieves the next element from the iterator. Since this is the first call to next(item), it returns the first element of the list lst, which is 'P'.
After retrieving the element, the iterator advances to the next element in the list.
The print() function then prints this retrieved element ('P') to the console.


When you run the code, the output will be: P

This is because 'P' is the first element in the list lst. The next(item) function call retrieves and returns this first element, which is then printed by the print() function.

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