Sunday 18 August 2024

Movie Information using Python


import imdb

ia = imdb.Cinemagoer()

Movie = input("Enter a movie name: ")

items = ia.search_movie(Movie)

print("\nSearch results:")

for index, movie in enumerate(items):

    print(f"{index + 1}. {movie['title']} ({movie['year']})")

movie_index = int(input("\nEnter the number of the movie you want to get info for: ")) - 1

movie_id = items[movie_index].movieID

movie_info = ia.get_movie(movie_id)

print("\nMovie Information:")

print(f"Title: {movie_info.get('title')}")

print(f"Year: {movie_info.get('year')}")

print(f"Rating: {movie_info.get('rating')}")

print(f"Genres: {', '.join(movie_info.get('genres', []))}")

print(f"Director(s): {', '.join(str(d) for d in movie_info.get('directors', []))}")

print(f"Cast: {', '.join(str(c) for c in movie_info.get('cast', [])[:5])}...") 

print(f"Plot: {movie_info.get('plot outline')}")

print(f"Runtime: {movie_info.get('runtimes', ['N/A'])[0]} minutes")

print(f"Country: {', '.join(movie_info.get('countries', []))}")

print(f"Language: {', '.join(movie_info.get('languages', []))}")

#Source Code -->

Search results:

1. Lift (2024)

2. Elevator to the Gallows (1958)

3. Lift (2021)

4. The Lift (1983)

5. Lift (2001)

6. The Big Lift (1950)

7. Lift (2022)

8. Lift (2016)

9. Lift Off (1992)

10. How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? (2019)

11. Lift (1989)

12. Lift Me Up (2015)

13. The Lift Boy (2019)

14. Lift (2019)

15. Lift (2017)

16. Lift (2018)

17. The Lift (2022)

18. Lift Off (1969)

19. LIFT (2019)

20. Lift Off (2021)

Movie Information:

Title: Lift

Year: 2024

Rating: 5.5

Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Director(s): F. Gary Gray

Cast: Kevin Hart, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Sam Worthington, Vincent D'Onofrio, Úrsula Corberó...

Plot: Cyrus, an international thief and his crew specialize in stealing extremely costly art pieces and resort to kidnapping if necessary. Cyrus's ex girlfriend Abby, an Interpol agent convinces him to steal a huge consignment of gold being sent by plane from London to Zurich in return for immunity from arrest . Cyrus knows this is an almost impossible task but decides to go ahead since it means freedom for him and his crew not to speak of his getting together with Abby again.

Runtime: 107 minutes

Country: United States

Language: English, Italian


Saturday 17 August 2024

Top 5 Python Programs Using demoji for Emoji Processing

 1. Remove Emojis from a Text String

This program removes all emojis from a given text string.

import demoji

text = "Python is fun! 🐍🔥 Let's code! 💻🎉"

cleaned_text = demoji.replace(text, "")


#source Code -->

Python is fun!  Let's code! 

2. Replace Emojis with Descriptions

This program replaces emojis in a text with their corresponding descriptions.

import demoji

text = "Good morning! ☀️ Have a nice day! 🌸😊"

emojis = demoji.findall(text)

for emoji, description in emojis.items():

    text = text.replace(emoji, f"[{description}]")


#source Code -->

Good morning! [sun] Have a nice day! [cherry blossom][smiling face with smiling eyes]

3. Count the Number of Emojis in a Text

This program counts how many emojis are present in a text string.

import demoji

text = "Coding is awesome! 👨‍💻🚀🤓"

emoji_count = len(demoji.findall(text))

print(f"Number of emojis: {emoji_count}")

#source Code -->

Number of emojis: 3

4. Extract All Emojis from a Text

This program extracts all the emojis from a given text string.

import demoji

text = "Enjoy your meal! 🍽️🍕🍔🍟"

emojis = demoji.findall(text)

print("Emojis found:", list(emojis.keys()))

#source Code -->

Emojis found: ['🍕', '🍽️', '🍟', '🍔']

5. Create an Emoji Frequency Dictionary

This program creates a dictionary that maps each emoji in a text to the number of times it appears.

import demoji

text = "I love 🍎 and 🍌. Do you like 🍎 too? 🍎🍎"

emoji_freq = {}

emojis = demoji.findall(text)

for emoji in emojis.keys():

    emoji_freq[emoji] = text.count(emoji)

print("Emoji Frequency:", emoji_freq)

#source Code -->

Emoji Frequency: {'🍌': 1, '🍎': 4}

Python Coding challenge - Day 240 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


def func(x=[]):


    return x



Solution and Explanation: B is the correct answer

Default Argument Behavior:

The default argument x=[] is evaluated only once when the function is defined, not each time the function is called. This means that if the default value is a mutable object like a list, it will be shared across all calls to the function.

First Function Call (print(func())):

The first time func() is called, the list x is empty because the default value ([]) is used.
Inside the function, 1 is appended to the list, so x becomes [1].
The function returns this list, which is then printed, so the output is:

Second Function Call (print(func())):

The second time func() is called, the same list x from the previous call is used, not a new empty list.
Again, 1 is appended to this list, so x becomes [1, 1].
The function returns this list, which is then printed, so the output is:
[1, 1]

Mutable Default Arguments: In Python, using a mutable object (like a list or dictionary) as a default argument can lead to unexpected behavior because it persists across function calls.
Best Practice: To avoid this, use None as the default value and then initialize the mutable object inside the function if needed.

Friday 16 August 2024

Enhancing Python Scripts with Alive-Progress: 5 Practical Examples

 pip install alive-progress

1. Simple Progress Bar

from alive_progress import alive_bar

import time

items = range(100)

with alive_bar(len(items)) as bar:

    for item in items:



|████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [100%] in 5.0s (19.83/s) 

2. Progress Bar with Custom Text

from alive_progress import alive_bar

import time

tasks = ['task1', 'task2', 'task3', 'task4']

with alive_bar(len(tasks), title='Processing Tasks') as bar:

    for task in tasks:


        bar.text = f'Working on {task}'


Processing Tasks |████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [100%] in 2.0s (2.00/s) 

3. Nested Progress Bars

from alive_progress import alive_bar

import time

outer_items = range(3)

inner_items = range(5)

with alive_bar(len(outer_items) * len(inner_items), title='Processing') as bar:

    for _ in outer_items:

        for _ in inner_items:

            time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulate work


Processing |████████████████████████████████████████| 15/15 [100%] in 1.5s (9.94/s) 

4. Download Simulation with Progress Bar

from alive_progress import alive_bar

import time

file_size = 1024  

chunk_size = 64

with alive_bar(file_size // chunk_size, title='Downloading') as bar:

    for _ in range(0, file_size, chunk_size):



Downloading |████████████████████████████████████████| 16/16 [100%] in 1.6s (9.83/s) 

5. Progress Bar with Percentage and ETA

from alive_progress import alive_bar

import time

total_items = 50

with alive_bar(total_items, title='Processing', 

               spinner='dots_waves', bar='smooth') as bar:

    for _ in range(total_items):



Processing |████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [100%] in 5.0s (9.95/s) 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Check Internet Speed using Python


pip install speedtest-cli

import speedtest as st

def Speed_Test():

    test = st.Speedtest()


    down_speed =

    down_speed = round(down_speed / 10**6, 2)

    print("Download Speed in Mbps: ", down_speed)


    up_speed = test.upload()

    up_speed = round(up_speed / 10**6, 2)

    print("Upload Speed in Mbps: ", up_speed)


    ping =

    print("Ping: ", ping)


#source code ->

Download Speed in Mbps:  20.57

Upload Speed in Mbps:  18.47

Ping:  26.177

Happy Independence Day India


import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as py

import matplotlib.patches as patch

a = patch.Rectangle((0,1), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#138808', edgecolor='grey')

b = patch.Rectangle((0,3), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#ffffff', edgecolor='grey')

c = patch.Rectangle((0,5), width=9, height=2, facecolor='#FF6103', edgecolor='grey')

m,n = py.subplots()





py.plot(4.5,4, marker = 'o', markerfacecolor = '#000080', markersize = 9.5)

chakra = py.Circle((4.5, 4), radius, color='#000080', fill=False, linewidth=7)


for i in range(0,24):

   p = 4.5 + radius/2 * np.cos(np.pi*i/9 + np.pi/48)

   q = 4.5 + radius/2 * np.cos(np.pi*i/9 - np.pi/48)

   r = 4 + radius/2 * np.sin(np.pi*i/9 + np.pi/48)

   s = 4 + radius/2 * np.sin(np.pi*i/9 - np.pi/48)

   t = 4.5 + radius * np.cos(np.pi*i/9)

   u = 4 + radius * np.sin(np.pi*i/9)

   n.add_patch(patch.Polygon([[4.5,4], [p,r], [t,u],[q,s]], fill=True, 

                             closed=True, color='#000080'))


Saturday 10 August 2024

Definite Integration using Python


import sympy as sp

x = sp.Symbol('x')

f = input("Enter the function(in terms of x):")

F_indefinite = sp.integrate(f, x)

print("Indefinite integral ∫f(x) dx =", F_indefinite)

a = float(input("Enter the lower limit of integration: "))

b = float(input("Enter the upper limit of integration: "))

F_definite = sp.integrate(f, (x, a, b))

print(f"Definite integral ∫f(x) dx from {a} to {b} =", F_definite)

Indefinite integral ∫f(x) dx = x**3/3 + 3*x

Definite integral ∫f(x) dx from 9.0 to 27.0 = 6372.00000000000

Friday 9 August 2024

5 Hidden Gems in Pandas You Should Start Using Today

1. query() Method for Filtering Data
What it is: The query() method allows you to filter data in a DataFrame using a more readable and concise string-based expression.

Why it's useful: It avoids the verbosity of standard indexing and makes the code more readable, especially for complex conditions.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4], 
                   'B': [10, 20, 30, 40]})
result = df.query('A > 2 & B < 40')
   A   B
2  3  30
2. eval() Method for Efficient Calculations
What it is: The eval() method evaluates a string expression within the context of a DataFrame, allowing for efficient computation.

Why it's useful: It can speed up operations involving arithmetic or logical operations on DataFrame columns, especially with large datasets.

df['C'] = df.eval('A + B')
   A   B   C
0  1  10  11
1  2  20  22
2  3  30  33
3  4  40  44

3. at and iat for Fast Access
What it is: at and iat are optimized methods for accessing scalar values in a DataFrame.

Why it's useful: These methods are much faster than using .loc[] or .iloc[] for individual cell access, making them ideal for performance-critical code.

value =[2, 'B']  

4. pipe() Method for Method Chaining
What it is: The pipe() method allows you to apply a function or sequence of functions to a DataFrame within a method chain.

Why it's useful: It improves code readability by keeping the DataFrame operations within a single fluent chain.

def add_constant(df, value):
    return df + value

df = df.pipe(add_constant, 10)
    A   B   C
0  11  20  21
1  12  30  32
2  13  40  43
3  14  50  54
5. explode() for Expanding Lists in Cells
What it is: The explode() method expands a list-like column into separate rows.

Why it's useful: This is particularly useful when working with data that has embedded lists within cells and you need to analyze or visualize each item individually.

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 
                   'B': [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50]]})
df_exploded = df.explode('B')
   A   B
0  1  10
0  1  20
0  1  30
1  2  40
1  2  50

Thursday 8 August 2024

Find Weather using Python


pip install beautifulsoup4

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

city = input("Enter City Name: ")

city_formatted = city.lower().replace(" ", "-")

url = f"{city_formatted}"

response = requests.get(url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')


    temperature = soup.find("div", class_="h2").get_text(strip=True)

    description = soup.find("div", class_="h2").find_next("p").get_text(strip=True)

    print(f"Weather in {city}:")

    print(f"Temperature: {temperature}")

    print(f"Condition: {description}")

except AttributeError:

    print("Please check the city name and try again.")

Please check the city name and try again.



Wednesday 7 August 2024

Find current position of a Planet using Python


pip install astropy

from astropy.coordinates import get_body, EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time

now =

location = EarthLocation.of_site('greenwich')

planet_name = input("Enter the name of the planet: ").lower()

planet_position = get_body(planet_name, now, location)

print(f"{planet_name.capitalize()} "
      f"Position: RA = {planet_position.ra}, "
      f"Dec = {planet_position.dec}")
Mercury Position: RA = 153.76036137226643 deg, Dec = 6.265761309328344 deg

Create a map using Python


pip install folium

import folium
from IPython.display import display

map_center = [40.7128, -74.0060]
mymap = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12)

    [40.7128, -74.0060],  
    popup="New York", 
    icon=folium.Icon(color="blue", icon="info-sign")


The above code is used to create and display an interactive map using the folium library in Python, specifically within a Jupyter Notebook environment. Below is a step-by-step explanation of the code:

1. Install the folium library

pip install folium
  • pip install folium: This command installs the folium library, which is used for creating interactive maps with Leaflet.js, a popular JavaScript library for mapping.

2. Import necessary libraries

import folium
from IPython.display import display
  • import folium: This imports the folium library, which allows you to create maps and add various layers and markers to them.
  • from IPython.display import display: This imports the display function from IPython.display, enabling the map to be rendered directly within a Jupyter Notebook.

3. Define the center of the map

map_center = [40.7128, -74.0060]
  • map_center: This variable defines the latitude and longitude coordinates of the center of the map, which in this case is set to New York City (latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060).

4. Create a folium map object

mymap = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12)
  • folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12): This creates a map centered at the specified location with a zoom level of 12, which gives a city-level view of New York.

5. Add a marker to the map

    [40.7128, -74.0060], 
    popup="New York", 
    icon=folium.Icon(color="blue", icon="info-sign") 
  • folium.Marker([40.7128, -74.0060], popup="New York", 
  • icon=folium.Icon(color="blue", icon="info-sign")): This adds a marker to the map at the specified coordinates (New York City). The marker has a popup label "New York" that appears when the marker is clicked, and the icon is styled with a blue color and an info-sign symbol.
  • .add_to(mymap): This adds the marker to the mymap object.

6. Display the map

    display(mymap): This displays the map in the Jupyter Notebook.


This code creates an interactive map centered on New York City, adds a marker with a popup and a custom icon, and displays the map within a Jupyter Notebook.

Sunday 4 August 2024

4 Python Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Beginner (And How to Avoid Them)

 1. Using Mutable Default Arguments


def add_item(item, items=[]):


    return items

Problem: Default mutable arguments, like lists or dictionaries, retain changes between function calls, which can lead to unexpected behavior.


def add_item(item, items=None):

    if items is None:

        items = []


    return items

2. Not Using List Comprehensions


result = []

for i in range(10):

    result.append(i * 2)

Problem: This approach is verbose and less efficient than it could be.


result = [i * 2 for i in range(10)]

Explanation: List comprehensions are more Pythonic, concise, and often faster.

3. Misunderstanding Python’s Scope Rules (LEGB Rule)


x = 10

def example():


    x = 5


Problem: This raises an UnboundLocalError because Python considers x inside example() as a local variable due to the assignment.


x = 10

def example():

    global x


    x = 5


4. Using print() for Debugging Instead of Proper Debugging Tools


def calculate(x):

    print(f"Debug: x = {x}")

    return x * 2

result = calculate(5)

Problem: Relying on print() statements for debugging can clutter code and is less efficient.


def calculate(x):

    return x * 2

result = calculate(5)

# Use a debugger for inspection

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()


Guidelines for Writing Clean and Maintainable Python Functions


1. Simplicity and Clarity

Keep It Simple: Avoid unnecessary complexity. Each function should do one thing and do it well.

Descriptive Naming: Use clear, descriptive names for functions and variables. Avoid abbreviations unless they are widely understood.

Type Annotations: Use type hints to clarify what types of arguments a function expects and what it returns.

def calculate_area(radius: float) -> float:

    return 3.14 * radius * radius

2. Avoid Hardcoding

Use Constants: Define constants for values that shouldn't change. Avoid magic numbers.

Parameterization: Make functions flexible by passing parameters instead of hardcoding values. python

PI = 3.14159

def calculate_circumference(radius: float, pi: 

                            float = PI) -> float:

    return 2 * pi * radius

3. Readability

Docstrings: Include a docstring that explains what the function does, its parameters, and its return value.

Consistent Indentation: Stick to 4 spaces per indentation level.

Avoid Long Lines: Break lines at 79 characters where possible.

def calculate_bmi(weight: float, height: float) -> float:


    Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI).

    :param weight: Weight in kilograms.

    :param height: Height in meters.

    :return: BMI value.


    return weight / (height ** 2)

4. Testing and Error Handling

Input Validation: Check for invalid inputs and handle them gracefully.

Unit Tests: Write tests for each function. Ensure edge cases are covered.

def divide_numbers(numerator: float, denominator: float) -> float:

    if denominator == 0:

        raise ValueError("Denominator cannot be zero.")

    return numerator / denominator

5. Performance

Efficiency: Avoid unnecessary computations. Optimize for performance if the function will be called frequently or handle large data sets.

Avoid Global State: Don’t rely on or modify global variables

def is_prime(n: int) -> bool:

    if n <= 1:

        return False

    if n <= 3:

        return True

    if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:

        return False

    i = 5

    while i * i <= n:

        if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:

            return False

        i += 6

    return True

6. DRY Principle

Don’t Repeat Yourself: Reuse code by abstracting common functionality into separate functions or modules.

def get_positive_input(prompt: str) -> float:

    value = float(input(prompt))

    if value <= 0:

        raise ValueError("Input must be a +ve number.")

    return value

Saturday 3 August 2024

Happy Friendship Day using Python


from rich.console import Console

from rich.text import Text

console = Console()

# Create the message and color mapping

text = "Happy Friendship Day!"

colors = [

    "red", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "white", "magenta",

    "red", "yellow", "green", "cyan", "blue", "magenta", "red",

    "yellow", "green", "white", "cyan", "blue", "magenta", "red"


# Generate the colorful message

message = Text()

[message.append(char, style=color) for char,color in zip(text, colors)]


Happy Friendship Day!

Happy Friendship Day using Python

import pyfiglet

from termcolor import colored

text = "Happy Friendship Day!"

fonts = ["slant"]

for i, word in enumerate(text.split()):

    font = pyfiglet.Figlet(font=fonts[i % len(fonts)])

    color = ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta"][i % 5]

    ascii_art = font.renderText(word)

    print(colored(ascii_art, color))

    __  __                       

   / / / /___ _____  ____  __  __

  / /_/ / __ `/ __ \/ __ \/ / / /

 / __  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / 

/_/ /_/\__,_/ .___/ .___/\__, /  

           /_/   /_/    /____/   

    ______     _                __     __    _     

   / ____/____(_)__  ____  ____/ /____/ /_  (_)___ 

  / /_  / ___/ / _ \/ __ \/ __  / ___/ __ \/ / __ \

 / __/ / /  / /  __/ / / / /_/ (__  ) / / / / /_/ /

/_/   /_/  /_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/____/_/ /_/_/ .___/ 


    ____              __

   / __ \____ ___  __/ /

  / / / / __ `/ / / / / 

 / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/  

/_____/\__,_/\__, (_)   


Happy Friendship Day using Python



   ([('Friendship'[(x-y)%8 ]



       **3<=0 else' ')

        for x in range(-30,30)])

         for y in range(15,-15,-1)]))

print("Happy Friendship Day !!")




                shFriends           iendshFri               

            endshFriendshFrie   hFriendshFriendsh           


























Happy Friendship Day !!

Python Coding challenge - Day 239 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


cl1 = "hello"

cl1_unicode = "hell\u00f6"

print(cl1 != cl1_unicode)

In Python, the comparison cl1 != cl1_unicode checks whether the two strings cl1 and cl1_unicode are different.

Here's the breakdown:

cl1 = "hello": This string contains the characters "h", "e", "l", "l", "o".

cl1_unicode = "hell\u00f6": This string contains the characters "h", "e", "l", "l", followed by the Unicode character \u00f6, which represents "ö".

When comparing cl1 and cl1_unicode:

"hello" is different from "hellö" because the last character in cl1_unicode ("ö") is different from the last character in cl1 ("o").

So, cl1 != cl1_unicode evaluates to True because the strings are not identical.

The print statement outputs True, indicating the strings are not equal.

7 Things I Should’ve Learnt Much Earlier For Python Functions



What: Functions that capture the local state of the environment in which they were created.

Why: Useful for creating function factories or decorators.

def outer(x):

    def inner(y):

        return x + y

    return inner

add_five = outer(5)


Function Annotations

What: Provides a way to attach metadata to function arguments and return values.

Why: Helps in providing hints about the expected data types, which improves code readability.

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:

    return a + b

print(add(2, 3))

Returning Multiple Values

What: Python allows functions to return multiple values as a tuple.

Why: Enables you to return complex data without creating a class or data structure.

def get_name_age():

    name = "clcoding"

    age = 30

    return name, age

name, age = get_name_age()

print(name, age)

clcoding 30


What: Strings that describe what a function does, placed as the first line within the function body.

Why: Helps in documenting your code, making it more understandable.

def add(a, b):

    """Returns the sum of two numbers."""

    return a + b


Returns the sum of two numbers.

Lambda Functions

What: Small, anonymous functions defined using lambda.

Why: Useful for short functions that are used once or passed as arguments to higher-order functions.

double = lambda x: x * 2


items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2, items))



[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

***args and kwargs

What: args and *kwargs allow functions to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively.

Why: Useful when you don’t know in advance how many arguments will be passed.

def print_args(*args):

    for arg in args:


print_args(1, 2, 3)  

def print_kwargs(**kwargs):

    for key, value in kwargs.items():

        print(f"{key}: {value}")

print_kwargs(name="clcoding", age=30)




name: clcoding

age: 30

Default Arguments

What: Allows you to set default values for function parameters.

Why: Makes your functions more flexible and easier to use.

def greet(name="Guest"):

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")



Hello, Guest!

Hello, clcoding!

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Password authentication process using Python


Password authentication process using Python

import hashlib, os

def hash_psd(psd: str) -> str:

    salt = os.urandom(16)

    hashed_psd = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',

                                     psd.encode(), salt, 100000)   

    return salt.hex() + hashed_psd.hex()

def verify_psd(stored_psd: str, provided_psd: str) -> bool:    

    salt = bytes.fromhex(stored_psd[:32])

    stored_hash = stored_psd[32:]

    hashed_psd = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',


    return hashed_psd.hex() == stored_hash

if __name__ == "__main__":

    psd_to_store = input("Enter a Password: ")

    stored_psd = hash_psd(psd_to_store)

    print(f'Stored Password: {stored_psd}')

    psd_attempt = 'clcoding'

    is_valid = verify_psd(stored_psd, psd_attempt)

    print(f'Password is valid: {is_valid}')

Stored Password: ec87cb3f526a3dc27e5a67fe7878f850a6b24c71c2941edc5bbe2c3500afc164cebb1ec8bbbc6a2260faa4825307600e

Password is valid: True



Saturday 27 July 2024

Olympic data-based analysis using Python

 import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

df = pd.read_csv('')


medal_counts = df.groupby('team')['medal'].count().reset_index()

medal_counts = medal_counts.sort_values(by='medal', ascending=False).head(10)


top_countries = medal_counts['team'].head(5)

df_top_countries = df[df['team'].isin(top_countries)]

medals_by_year = df_top_countries.groupby(['year', 'team'])['medal'].count().reset_index()

# Plot: Medals Over Time for Top 5 Countries

plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))

sns.lineplot(data=medals_by_year, x='year', y='medal', hue='team')

plt.title('Medals Over Time for Top 5 Countries')


plt.ylabel('Number of Medals')


# What is the distribution of medals by sport?

medals_by_sport = df.groupby('sport')['medal'].count().reset_index()

medals_by_sport = medals_by_sport.sort_values(by='medal', ascending=False).head(10)

# Plot: Top 10 Sports by Number of Medals

plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))

sns.barplot(data=medals_by_sport, x='medal', y='sport', palette='viridis')

plt.title('Top 10 Sports by Number of Medals')

plt.xlabel('Number of Medals')


Thursday 25 July 2024

Olympics Logo using Python


import turtle

def draw_ring(color, x, y):



    turtle.goto(x, y)




draw_ring("blue", -120, 0)

draw_ring("black", 0, 0)

draw_ring("red", 120, 0)

draw_ring("yellow", -60, -50)

draw_ring("green", 60, -50)



Python Coding challenge - Day 238 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


In Python, dictionaries are compared based on their keys and corresponding values. When you use the != operator to compare two dictionaries, it checks if there is any difference between them.

Here’s the explanation for the given code:

dict1 = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

dict2 = {"a": 1, "b": 3}

print(dict1 != dict2)

Dictionary Creation:

dict1 is created with keys "a" and "b" having values 1 and 2, respectively.

dict2 is created with keys "a" and "b" having values 1 and 3, respectively.


The comparison dict1 != dict2 checks if dict1 is not equal to dict2.

Python compares each key-value pair in dict1 with the corresponding key-value pair in dict2.

Key-Value Comparison:

Both dictionaries have the same keys: "a" and "b".

For key "a", both dictionaries have the value 1. So, these are equal.

For key "b", dict1 has the value 2 and dict2 has the value 3. These are not equal.

Since there is at least one key-value pair that differs ("b": 2 in dict1 vs. "b": 3 in dict2), the dictionaries are considered not equal.


The expression dict1 != dict2 evaluates to True.

Therefore, the output of print(dict1 != dict2) will be True, indicating that dict1 is not equal to dict2.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose


Are you eager to dive into the world of Java programming and software engineering? Coursera offers an excellent course titled Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals that provides a comprehensive foundation in these essential skills. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this course is a great starting point.

Why Learn Java?

Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world. Its versatility, robustness, and cross-platform capabilities make it a favorite among developers. Java powers a multitude of applications, from mobile apps to large-scale enterprise systems. By learning Java, you open doors to a vast array of career opportunities in software development, web development, data science, and more.

Course Overview

The "Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals" course is designed to take you from zero to proficient in Java programming. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect:

  1. Introduction to Java Programming

    • Understand the basics of Java syntax and structure.
    • Learn to write simple Java programs.
    • Get acquainted with essential programming concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures.
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Dive into the principles of OOP, a core paradigm in Java.
    • Master concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
    • Develop skills to design and implement complex software systems.
  3. Data Structures and Algorithms

    • Learn about essential data structures like arrays, lists, stacks, and queues.
    • Explore algorithms for sorting and searching.
    • Understand how to optimize your code for efficiency.
  4. Software Engineering Fundamentals

    • Gain insights into the software development lifecycle.
    • Learn about version control systems like Git.
    • Understand the importance of testing and debugging.
  5. Practical Projects

    • Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects.
    • Build real-world applications that solidify your understanding of Java and software engineering principles.

What Makes This Course Unique?

  • Expert Instructors: The course is taught by experienced instructors from top universities and industry experts. Their guidance ensures you receive high-quality education.
  • Flexible Learning: Coursera offers a flexible learning schedule, allowing you to learn at your own pace. This is ideal for balancing your studies with other commitments.
  • Interactive Learning Experience: The course includes quizzes, assignments, and projects that provide an interactive and engaging learning experience.
  • Certification: Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate that you can share with potential employers, showcasing your skills and dedication.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Beginners: If you're new to programming, this course will help you build a solid foundation in Java.
  • Aspiring Developers: Those looking to start a career in software development will find this course invaluable.
  • Professionals: If you're already working in the tech industry and want to enhance your skills or transition to a Java-centric role, this course is perfect for you.

Final Thoughts

The "Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals" course on Coursera is an excellent opportunity to gain a deep understanding of Java and software engineering. With its comprehensive curriculum, expert instructors, and flexible learning options, this course is a valuable resource for anyone looking to advance their programming skills.

Ready to embark on your Java programming journey? Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a proficient Java developer!

Enroll Now

Python Coding challenge - Day 237 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


This Python code defines a function and then calls it with specific arguments. Let's break it down step by step:

Function Definition:

def func(x, y):

    return x + y

def func(x, y):: This line defines a function named func that takes two parameters, x and y.

return x + y: This line specifies that the function will return the sum of x and y.

Function Call:

print(func(y=2, x=3))

func(y=2, x=3): This calls the func function with x set to 3 and y set to 2. The order of the arguments doesn't matter here because they are passed as keyword arguments.

The function func adds x and y, so 3 + 2 results in 5.

print(5): The print function then outputs the result, which is 5.

Putting it all together, the code defines a function that adds two numbers, then calls the function with x as 3 and y as 2, and prints the result, which is 5.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Python Coding challenge - Day 236 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


The code provided consists of two parts: defining a dictionary and using the fromkeys method to create a new dictionary. Let's break it down:

Defining a Dictionary:

d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

Here, d is a dictionary with three key-value pairs:

'a' maps to 1

'b' maps to 2

'c' maps to 3

Using dict.fromkeys:

print(dict.fromkeys(d, 0))

The dict.fromkeys method is used to create a new dictionary from the keys of an existing iterable (in this case, the dictionary d). The method signature is:

dict.fromkeys(iterable, value)

iterable: An iterable containing keys.

value: The value to assign to each key in the new dictionary.

In this code, d is used as the iterable. When d is used as an iterable, it provides its keys ('a', 'b', and 'c'). The second argument is 0, which means all keys in the new dictionary will have the value 0.

Therefore, the new dictionary created by dict.fromkeys(d, 0) will have the same keys as d but with all values set to 0:

{'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}


The print statement will output:

{'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}

In summary, the code defines a dictionary d and then creates a new dictionary with the same keys as d but with all values set to 0, and prints this new dictionary.

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