Here's an explanation of the code:
Step-by-Step Explanation:
Assignment (i = j = [3]):
- A single list [3] is created in memory.
- Both i and j are assigned to reference the same list object.
- At this point:
In-place Addition (i += j):
- The += operator modifies the object that i refers to in place.
- Since i and j refer to the same list object, modifying i affects j as well.
- The list [3] is extended by adding the elements of j (which is also [3]) to it.
- After this operation, the list becomes [3, 3].
- Now:
Output (print(i, j)):
- Both i and j refer to the same modified list [3, 3], so the output is:
- Both i and j refer to the same modified list [3, 3], so the output is:
Key Concepts:
Shared References:
- When you do i = j = [3], both i and j point to the same object in memory.
- Any in-place modification to the list (like i += j) will affect both i and j.
In-place Operations with +=:
- For lists, += modifies the list in place (equivalent to i.extend(j)).
- It does not create a new object. Instead, it updates the existing object.