Saturday 8 June 2024

File Chooser using Python


from plyer import filechooser

# Open a file chooser dialog

file_path = filechooser.open_file()

print("Selected file:", file_path)

# Open multiple files chooser dialog

files_path = filechooser.open_file(multiple=True)

print("Selected files:", files_path)

# Save file chooser dialog

save_path = filechooser.save_file()

print("Save file path:", save_path)

Python Coding challenge - Day 224 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the code step by step:

cl = 4
while cl < 6:
    cl = cl + 1     print(cl, end='-')


  1. Initialization:

    cl = 4

    Here, the variable cl is initialized to 4.

  2. While Loop Condition:

    while cl < 6:   
  3.  The while loop will continue to execute as long as the condition cl < 6 is True. Initially, cl is 4, so the condition is True.
  4. Inside the Loop:

    cl = cl + 1

    Inside the loop, cl is incremented by 1. The first time this statement is executed, cl becomes 5.
  5. Print Statement:

    print(cl, end='-')

    This prints the current value of cl followed by a hyphen -. The end='-' part ensures that the next output is printed immediately after the hyphen without moving to a new line.

Step-by-Step Execution

  • Initial State:

    cl is 4.
    The while condition cl < 6 is checked and is True.
  • First Iteration:

    cl = cl + 1 is executed, so cl becomes 5.
    print(cl, end='-') prints 5-.
  • Second Iteration:

      The while condition cl < 6 is checked again. Now cl is 5, so the condition is still = cl + 1 is executed again, so cl becomes 6.
      print(cl, end='-') prints 6-.
  • End of Loop:

    The while condition cl < 6 is checked once more. Now cl is 6, so the condition is False.
    The loop terminates.


The output of this code will be:


Each iteration of the loop increases the value of cl by 1 and prints it, followed by a hyphen. The loop stops running when cl reaches 6.

Friday 7 June 2024

Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews free pdf


Python Programming Basics

For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

What You Will Learn

Chapter 1 : Basics

1 Python Introduction

2 Python Variables

Chapter 2 : Data Types

1 Python boolean

2 Python String

3 Python Number

4 Python List

5 Python Tuple

6 Python Dictionary

Chapter 3 : Operators

1 Python Arithmetic Operators

2 Python Bitwise Operators

3 Python Comparison Operators

4 Python Logical Operators

5 Python Ternary Operators

Chapter 4 : Statements

1 Python if

2 Python while

3 Python for loop

4 Python pass

5 Python break

6 Python continue

Chapter 5 : Functions

1 Python function

2 Python Function Recursion

Chapter 6 : Object Oriented

1 Python Modules

2 Python class

3 Python class Inheritance

4 Python Abstract Base Classes

5 Python Operator Overloading

Chapter 7 : Advanced

1 Python File

2 Python Text File

3 Python Exceptions

4 Python Testing

Free PDF: Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

Hard Copy: Python Programming Basics: For Freshers Learn Python Programming Infrastructure and Attend Interviews

Monday 3 June 2024

Country Details using Python


from countryinfo import CountryInfo

country = CountryInfo(input("Enter Country Name:"))

# Various information about the country

print("Country Name:",


print("Population:", country.population())

print("Area (in square kilometers):", country.area())

print("Region:", country.region())

print("Subregion:", country.subregion())

print("Demonym:", country.demonym())

print("Currency:", country.currencies())

print("Languages:", country.languages())

print("Borders: ", country.borders())

Sunday 2 June 2024

Print Calendar using Python


Let's break down the code and understand what it does step by step.

Code Explanation

Importing the Calendar Module:

from calendar import *

  • This line imports all the functions and classes from the calendar module in Python. The calendar module provides various functions related to calendar operations.

Getting User Input:

year = int(input('Enter Year:'))
  • This line prompts the user to enter a year. The input function takes the user's input as a string, and the int function converts this string to an integer, which is then stored in the variable year.

Printing the Calendar:

print(calendar(year, 2, 1, 8, 4))
  • This line is intended to print the calendar for the given year with specific formatting. 
formatyear(year, w=2, l=1, c=6, m=3):
  • year: The year for which the calendar is to be printed.
  • w: The width of each date column (default is 2).
  • l: The number of lines for each week (default is 1).
  • c: The number of spaces between month columns (default is 6).
  • m: The number of months per row (default is 3).

Python Coding challenge - Day 223 | What is the output of the following Python Code?


Let's break down the code and explain what it does:

my_num1 = -2 my_num2 = -3 print(my_num1 % my_num2)

Variable Assignment:

  • my_num1 = -2: This assigns the value -2 to the variable my_num1.
  • my_num2 = -3: This assigns the value -3 to the variable my_num2.

Modulus Operation:

  • The modulus operator % returns the remainder of the division of one number by another.
  • my_num1 % my_num2 computes the remainder when -2 is divided by -3.
  1. Calculation:

    • To understand the result of -2 % -3, we need to know how the modulus operation works with negative numbers.

    • The formula for the modulus operation is:


      where int(a / b) represents the integer division (floor division) of a by b.

    • Applying this to our numbers:

    • First, calculate the integer division:


      (since -2 / -3 is approximately 0.666, and taking the floor gives us 0).

    • Now, plug this back into the formula:

  2. Result:

    • Therefore, my_num1 % my_num2 results in -2.


  • print(my_num1 % my_num2) will print -2.

So, the final output of the code will be: -2

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